I use getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB to pick node in the scene.
I found out it doesn't return the node closest to the camera, but the one behind it. I tracked down problem to function "getPickedNodeBB" in SceneCollisionManager. I see that it is trying to return the node closest to the camera, but the problem occurs when node is scaled down - calculations return that it is very far from camera.
There is comment that says:
// transform vector from world space to object space
that I suspect is the problem. Why would picking line have to be transformed?? It should be constant for all objects - start and end point of line are now different for two objects.
I am having the same problem but that suggested fix didn't solve my problem May be mine is something different, I don't know. When I scale down my model, it becomes impossible to be selected with that function you have told