Cannot find Irrlicht.dll

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Cannot find Irrlicht.dll

Post by Zergleb »

Using - Details description is listed below

-HelloWorld tutorial
-Visual Studio 2008 Professional
--Created a new project in the default VS projects folder and just added an empty c++ file and copied the code into the project


I was doing the helloworld tutorial and I was able to get it to successfully build. But when I go to run the program it gives me an error pop up.

"This application has failed to start because Irrlicht.dll was not found. reinstalling the application may fix this problem"

I tried to find Irrlicht.dll and was able to find it in the /bin folder. I looked for anything in the tutorial about setting up anything from the bin folder and found nothing. I don't know if the bin folder with Irrlicht.dll really needs to be added through Tools->Options->Projects.

I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Or if they know what I have to do to get it to find Irrlicht.dll.

Thanks for any help! Very Appreciated I was very happy to find this engine it looks great. [/img]

Forgot to mention, I did remember to add this code above the main method.

Code: Select all

#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")
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Post by Sylence »

You have to move the dll in to same folder as your exe file.
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Post by Zergleb »

Thank you this worked. To a point.(But it was the right answer and I'm very thankful)

I was able to put the .dll into the folder and it ran, just it didn't run all the way because it didn't find all of the files that were neccesary(Makes sense).

I took my EXE file and instead threw it in the irrlicht /bin folder and then my program ran fine(Just like the HelloWorld.exe that is already in there).

But my question is, Does this mean I'm always suppose to create projects in a new instance of the engines /bin folder. Or does it simply mean that when reading the tutorial I was suppose to assume that the file paths needed to be renamed as to look for them in the correct location????

Basically I'm asking is there anywhere specific I'm suppose to be placing my project??
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Post by Xarshi »

Its trying to load media from Irrlichts media directory. The files its loading are probably loaded like "mesh = smgr->getMesh("../../Media/..."); or something with some .. and /s. All content is relative to your directory in many cases.
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

Yea, it loads whatever you tell it to load.

Step 1 ) get a book on c++
Step 2 ) Actually read it,
Step 3 ) Read the documentation and tutorials.
Step 4 ) Read the forums for a million beginner mistakes such as your own.
Step 5 ) ask really silly questions on the forum.

Somehow you missed a few steps ;)
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