-HelloWorld tutorial
-Visual Studio 2008 Professional
--Created a new project in the default VS projects folder and just added an empty c++ file and copied the code into the project
I was doing the helloworld tutorial and I was able to get it to successfully build. But when I go to run the program it gives me an error pop up.
"This application has failed to start because Irrlicht.dll was not found. reinstalling the application may fix this problem"
I tried to find Irrlicht.dll and was able to find it in the /bin folder. I looked for anything in the tutorial about setting up anything from the bin folder and found nothing. I don't know if the bin folder with Irrlicht.dll really needs to be added through Tools->Options->Projects.
I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Or if they know what I have to do to get it to find Irrlicht.dll.
Thanks for any help! Very Appreciated I was very happy to find this engine it looks great. [/img]
Forgot to mention, I did remember to add this code above the main method.
Code: Select all
#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")