[Poll] Do you usually need to buy models and/or textures?

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Do you buy these assets?

2D/GUI art
No votes
I can already do all that.
Other (please specify)
Total votes: 25

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[Poll] Do you usually need to buy models and/or textures?

Post by 3DModelerMan »

I'm thinking of starting a model/texture business to save money for a new PC build (my graphics are only integrated notebook right now). I'm trying to see if this is even a good option. So please vote honestly in the poll.
That would be illogical captain...

My first full game:
http://www.kongregate.com/games/3DModel ... tor#tipjar
Frank Dodd
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Post by Frank Dodd »

I voted for 'other' because I do create 2D and 3D assets. Although, as a realist, I wouldn't try to create a whole project of media assets and the code at the same time.

If I were to buy on-line media (and it is hard to get money out of my wallet) I would probably be most likely to go for small model and texture pack that could be used for test and preview purposes. perhaps you should put a few models up on turbosquid and some other forums that need assets and see how it goes?
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Post by JP »

People usually are after assets for their projects if it's a small hobby project and they don't have the art skills themselves or know anyone who can help them out. Generally they won't be willing to pay much, if anything, for it though...

You'd need to have some pretty decent models on offer and for fairly cheap prices, I would think...

It's always worth a try!
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Post by lostclimategames »

I'm trying to see if this is even a good option
Well that also majorly depends on your skill level. if you want a real opinion you'll have to show off some of your work.
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Post by arras »

As you are around here for some time, you might have noticed that 99% of project started are not going to be finished ever and most of them will not even pass by few initial screenshots of generic Sydneys, zombies and dwarfs with patch of terrain and skybox around. Those other 1% is usually made by teams of people which include artists already. Not really much of a market here.

I would say that your best option how to use your skill to earn few bucks is to hook up with somebody working on commercial project (even small one) or try to offer your models on sites like Turbo Squid and hope somebody will buy it.

When I was younger, fresh from university and always lacking money, I was thinking about exactly the same think as you. I even did apply for 3D modeller in one game development studio. They however were interested only in full time artists and that was not relay my career choice.

I would also say, that you might have some slightly higher chance with model sets ...consisting of at last few models instead of single ones.

Good luck.
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Post by Brainsaw »

I think I would be thinking about buying a set of models ... if it was not too expensive ... if a project gets beyond a prototype. Only if the models were good, of course.
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Post by wITTus »

arras wrote:As you are around here for some time, you might have noticed that 99% of project started are not going to be finished ever and most of them will not even pass by few initial screenshots of generic Sydneys, zombies and dwarfs with patch of terrain and skybox around.
What do you think is the reason for that?
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Post by arras »

wITTus wrote:What do you think is the reason for that?
Mostly because finishing one such project require more energy, time and resources than most authors can handle. Lot of them also have problems with overenthusiasm and inexperience which claims good deal of new projects.
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