MasterGod wrote:1. Use latest version.
2. Use latest version.
3. Use latest version.
(but that's just me..)
Now about your problem; first, we need to see the code you're using to help you find the error source - what's causing the error. (My guess is that Jookia said "io::createMemoryReadFile(void*, long, char const*, bool)" and you wrote in your code "irr::io::createMemoryReadFile(Filled, in, the, parameters)", which is wrong by the way.. hehe.)
Second, as far as I know the file name when reading from memory could be anything, I'd write there if I were you ""
About the version thing, you said you wanned to know what the matrix is Neo... you'd have to see it for yourself.
Ooops, too much matrix lately
I'm just using the helloworld example from irrlicht 1.4.2 (only sticking with it for now because I got a lil used to it back when I tried irr before and I don't want to go up till I get more understanding of irrlicht
You won't get that understanding if you don't use the latest version.
fine I will switch to latest version after this is problem is solved. But here is my code in the mean time, btw(nothing is changed, in fact the only erased part is the quotes, I didn't do any adding except this topic. Something tells me I need more included btw.
Code: Select all
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "BuildInSydneyModel.h"
#include "BuildInSydneyTexture.h"
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;
IReadFile* file;
IReadFile* file2;
#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
int main()
IrrlichtDevice *device =
createDevice( video::EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d<s32>(640, 480), 16,
false, false, false, 0);
createDevice( video::EDT_SOFTWARE, dimension2d<s32>(640, 480), 16,
false, false, false, 0);
device->setWindowCaption(L"Hello World! - Irrlicht Engine Demo");
const c8* filename2 = "sydney.md2";
const c8* filename = "sydney.bmp";
IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();
guienv->addStaticText(L"Hello World! This is the Irrlicht Software renderer!",
rect<s32>(10,10,260,22), true);
file = io::createMemoryReadFile(mySydneyTextureData, mySydneyTextureData_size, filename, false);
file2 = io::createMemoryReadFile(mySydneyModelData, mySydneyModelData_size, filename2, false);
IAnimatedMesh* mesh = smgr->getMesh(file2);
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( mesh );
if (node)
node->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);
node->setMD2Animation ( scene::EMAT_STAND );
node->setMaterialTexture( 0, driver->getTexture(file) );
smgr->addCameraSceneNode(0, vector3df(0,30,-40), vector3df(0,5,0));
driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,100,101,140));
return 0;
Something tells me something is wrong with the way I am trying to use the data for material and mesh, but I don't know what will happen really because the linker errors come in before it gets that far.
I'll make a seperate post for the 2 h's.