Is Education Needed?

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Is Education Required For Game Devs?

Total votes: 24

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Post by QuantumSK »

xDan wrote:Bearing in mind it could take a few years to become successful, do you have a way of maintaining yourself in the meantime? I think that is the most important issue. If you have parents willing to keep you, or a part time job or something you like, and you definitely have the skills to succeed, I say go for it right now.

My own aim is to start out doing something on my own. But I went to university for several reasons: it puts off the time of trying to start out on my own for a few years (during which I can do gamedev in my spare time and improve my skills), keeps my parents happy (so now I've just finished university I'm going to live off them for a year while I try to start various projects), and also in case I fail at starting out on my own, then the degree is something that might help getting a "proper" job.

Also, although a lot of university was quite easy considering I already had much experience, I found I was forced to learn some things that will probably be useful that I would never have bothered to learn on my own (e.g. design patterns, development methodologies)

but once again, if I had had a bearable part time job, or rich parents to live off(!), then I would certainly not have gone on to further education! So I think the answer depends on your personal situation.
Go for it now? No. Silly idea, imho. No college, high school diploma, and that's it. And also, no computer I can work on. I'm stuck using the one at the library or my roommate's since mine died and I can't afford a new one right now.

Plus I don't intend on jumping into things headfirst. Which is pretty much what you are talking about. Acting without preparing is a foolish idea, that usually ends up with failure or disappointment.

It's also not going to be my primary or only source of income.
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Post by xDan »

Well then, seems you got it all worked out, why did you bother starting this topic?


"Jumping in headfirst" is a silly (perhaps even foolish) idea if you don't have the necessary skills, certainly.

But maybe I answered questions you didn't ask. To restrict myself to your first question:
should go take programming and graphics design classes, or is it more of a waste of time (and money) as long as you get the same end result from self-teaching?
IMHO, it simply depends on your personality. If you need a tutor on your back for you to knuckle down and learn anything, then obviously go for classes. If you are self motivated, and reasonably bright, then I'd say you can learn a lot, lot faster on your own.
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Post by QuantumSK »

Close the topic if you wish, I was just wanting people's opinions on if it's a type of business that should require a college degree.
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Post by Mel »

It is always needed to be polite :) but i guess that's not the point here.

Reducing the formation of a person to "Game development" is restrictive. You need to understand much aspects of Computer programming to reduce it just to "game development" It is richer a programmer which can do games than a game creator that can't make another kind of programs.

Also, i find a bit contradictory "Indie" and "Company" XD
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
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