Hello everybody !
I have uploaded a new demo on saigumi's wonderful server today. The new demo now features improved movement, collision detection and even explosions. Please have a look and tell me what you think.
And don't move out of the screen or otherwise your ship will be deleted *still working on that*
I think this game will rock Very nice demo! *Krampe is happy*
I would change the movement animation "forwards/backwards". Flying backwards with the nose down looks a litte bit weird (im no physician, just my feelings).
And the demo doesnt end itself right - after leaving the demo there is still a task running called Raptor. This is slowing down everything. If you play the demo the second time, your fps will go down and there is no smooth movement any more.
Hope that helps
Keep up the good work, i want to play this game yesterday
Hey the ships and explosions look cool, but I have a question about the collision detection. Your ship can shoot out 2 bullets. I've been having problems with Irrlicht's collision detection and adding more than one triangle selector to the metaTriangleSelector. For me, and apparently everyone else b/c no one else answered my thread except Niko, the collision detection will only work for the last triangle selector added to the metaTriangleSelectors, all other seem to be ignored and collsion detection only works for that last object added. Of course you're probably not using triangle selectors for the bullets but I'd thought I'd check and see if you'd encountered this problem as well.
Exactly ! I'm not using triangleselector, because I think the Irrlicht collision detection is too complex for that. So I created a list of aabbox<f32> for every object ( 1-5 boxes ) and test them for collision with the other spaceships' boxes.
He doesn't have to release the source. I plan on not releasing the source and even maybe selling my game and it's engine. (The Blockwar engine, not the Irrlicht engine)
Though, I do make tutorials on what I do graphically since most of it is very low level as I'm not a very graphixy person.
Isometric God wrote:Exactly ! I'm not using triangleselector, because I think the Irrlicht collision detection is too complex for that. So I created a list of aabbox<f32> for every object ( 1-5 boxes ) and test them for collision with the other spaceships' boxes.
Sorry, but I can't help you with that !
Could you show the type of code you use for that? Does Irrlicht have a function to check if two aabbox-es are clashing? Or do you test manually using a formula from gamedev.net or flipcode.com etc?