[Help Wanted]K3RNEL - Kingdoms & 3 Races: Nus El Lor

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[Help Wanted]K3RNEL - Kingdoms & 3 Races: Nus El Lor

Post by TaMonKein »

K3RNEL will be 3D Cell shaded MMORPG coded with C++ and will use IrrLicht and Poco libraries. The project is in really early stage of development and pretty slow development at the moment. The game will be ever changing funny place, so there will be always something to do. More the type of Sandbox than roundabout..

K3RNEL will have some aspects from fantasy and sci-fi meaning that players will be able to adventure in the fantasy world fight other players, become a soldier for a kingdom, start a guild and try to invade the kingdom areas, become a pirate and raid ships and airships or build their robots, catch pets, fight monsters, build buildings.

K3RNEL will have vocation system, 6 base vocations and when vocation gets mastered the player gets new vocations unlocked. The vocations are like skill packages the player can learn.

K3RNEL will have First Person and close 3rd Person views. The game will not have a crosshair and player can move while attacking, so it wont be the normal click a monster and it keeps attacking. You need to aim yourself and use your skills while aiming with mouse.

K3RNEL will have 3 races: Human, Daemon, Draluix

K3RNEL will have several kingdoms, but first we will have only 3 of them. Here is the starting map.


The project is non paid volunteer project, all the money the project brings will be used first to server payments and if we start earning more than we need the money will be shared between active developers.

The project is looking for intermediate->experienced programmers, we have pretty decent team already, but more volunteers is always better.

You can find us at http://k3rnel.org and #k3rnel @ freenode.net or mail me at tmkcodes@k3rnel.org

I will also make http://subdomain.k3rnel.org website for the developers if they want.

Models and Concept art


Cellshaded Creator, character in K3RNEL world.

Female Human Concept

2 Swords
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Post by grumpymonkey »

holy crap another mmorpg attempt!!
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Post by TaMonKein »

Is there something bad on that?
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Post by Dorth »

Do yourself a service and search mmorpg on this forum and any serious library or game engine or game community forum. The result will be pretty much the same across the board and you might rethink your project, no matter what new direction you end up giving it.
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Post by brcolow »

Let him do as he pleases - just because all have failed before him doesn't mean he will. Encouragement is what people need, not criticism. Even if he does fail - it will be a great learning experience. Good luck, TaMonKein and keep us posted with progress sir!
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Post by Dorth »

Did you even take the 5 seconds needed to read this? I point to him to all discussions about it so that he can know the uphill battle, all the steps and such. Then, I tell him it might help him rethink, as in, give up or change, yes, change the form of his project and THEN I wish him luck...
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Post by TaMonKein »

I have worked before on 2D MMORPG game called PokeGlobal done with java, i pretty much know what steps it does have and i know it is hard, but i'm not going to give up even if i die before its finished. We are first going to do First person shooter version of it as an beta version which will be given free access to everyone where we can test all vocations, skills, weapons and armors and stuff like that. We will add few playable maps for the FPS version of K3RNEL and continue working on the MMORPG while balancing all the stuff in the FPS version as the MMORPG will be for sandbox and pvp lovers, but well of course will later offer carebear server for the storyline and Role players, but of course this is possible in the free pvp server too.

Myself i do not have that much experience on doing 3D stuff on c++ or networking, but i know how networking works, so networking for me is not that hard after i learn Poco. I've been studying myself ICT for 3 years in a school and been hobby programming myself for several years. I'm in army at the moment so the project is going kinda slowly, but we have all the base vocation weapons modelled even tough we do not need them all yet. We have 2 buildings modelled, but we need to model some vegetables and terrains and character so we can get more into the coding part of the game.

Really if anyone has some free time to offer and help out i will gladly accept it, MMORPG is hard project and mostly they fail, but i know that it is possible as there is already one mmorpg project done with Irrlicht and few 3D MMORPG projects which are going pretty well.

Doing and MMORPG pretty much needs decent team who know what to do.
Few Music/audio editors to do the sound effects and theme musics.
Modellers and Concept artists to do the graphics.
Game Designers to come up with skills and monsters and balance the game.
Coders to make the Login, networking, server threading, map system, rendering the 3d stuff, etc..
Of course good and knowledgeable project leaders are must too, because if there is no leader everything will get messed up.

I have already had few cases where i got game designer to help out, they were few weeks in the project doing nothing and then they posted resign post saying that the design of the game sucks, etc because they were thinking roundabout type of a game, when sandbox game is planned really different way.

Anyway everyone have fun in Irrlicht forums.
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Post by hybrid »

I'd say you have already more than most other MMORPG proposals had so far. Moreover, if you couldn't stand some bad posts you'd probably not stand the big tasks of your project either. So take this as a test if you (and your team) are strong enough. And of course you will get help from the forum with whichever project you come along. So best of luck :)
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Post by TaMonKein »

Yeah, i can take bad posts, and always criticism is good. I know that there is many MMORPG projects and people who want to make MMORPG, and usually they really fail, but there have been few successful ones and i want K3RNEL to be one of those.
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Post by Elmaron »

We already talked in the chat about this. I really hope you get a decent coder onboard if you don't have that already - I would have waited with a public announcement until a bit more of the technique is ready... but meh, good luck. I really hope you can make it, although it is pretty hard to tell from your current state (and I guess that might also stop some people from joining you now).
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Post by Josie »

Really? Again?

I need reminding of the reason I came back to the forums. :lol:

Good luck, I suppose. You're further along than 80% of the other MMORPG attempts I've seen.
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