for my current project I needed a GUI-concept that suits my needs. Due to the fact that my project was set up with the default irrlicht gui the new gui had to be easily addable to an existing irrlicht project.
So, that's the story behind CustomUI
CustomUI is a "framework" which unites the default irrlicht gui with an easy use of an customized skin. It's set on top of the irrlicht gui and uses the default elements for the mechanics. This guarantees an easy insert into an irrlicht project.
The look is completely created by you through images which are added to each element.
Another feature is the section-concept which allows you to assign each element to one or more sections. By changing the current section you can switch between your menus.
Here's a list of the currently supported elements:
- - CEImage
- CEEditBox
- CEButton
- CEComboBox
- CEMessageBox
- CEListBox
- CEProgressBar
- CEAnimatedImage
If you use it I would pleased to get some feedback what has to be improved. I that there're a lots of bugs or unfinished features, but due to the fact that I won't have that much time I had the last weeks I decided to release the source now.
Here you can see the menu design (in development) of my upcoming project. This menu is fully created with CustomUI and is fully funtional.
The skin was created by deesine
Hope I didn't forget anything to tell, so hope you have a usage for this
[UPDATE: version 0.6 released]
I just released the new version
Code: Select all
(added) new collision: 'CIC_Polygon'
(added) function 'lock' to exclude an element from 'changeSection()'
(added) hierarchy system for GUI-elements
(added) modal-flag for CEMessageBox
(fixed) clicking through a messagebox
(fixed) enabled-state of object affectless
(fixed) need of placeholder in CEAnimatedImage
NOTE: The package DOESN'T contain the skin. It simply contains the source and sample code how to use it.