Pimp irrlicht website

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Do you think the irrlicht page needs a new design and better screenshots?

I dont care about it
Total votes: 130

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Post by hybrid »

varmint wrote:I can't tell you how many times I've had people turn away from irrlicht because of the website, and the few that make it to the screen shot page are turn off from there. It's 99% of the feed back I get from people when talking to them about irrlicht. Their general impression of from its' web site "irrlicht looks old and out dated." And then irrlicht looses out. :( For example google summer of code.

I tried for over a year to get our screenshots to be put in the irrlicht gallery, it wasn't until we moved on to another engine that I was finally asked for some screenshots. Mainly because no one wants to deal with the current site. Thats a good indication change is needed. :D
(Even though the following rant might be too off-topic for this thread, I could not resist)
That's a funny quote from one of the engine devs, who can have write access to the website and the screenshots section on request. I even did not see any massive mailing by you on the dev mailing list, not even a request for anything. Even if you have no time for making it on your own, what about discussing this with the one's in charge?
IIRC, you were already out (without telling anyone...) when it came to GSoC, but we simply did not get the project because the task descriptions were too vague. The project itself got good marks.
Question is how I, personally, should judge your "cover". Now that you had all abilities to change stuff, and failed.
Somethings the new site should have:
- Random screenshots on the first page
- List of projects berried deep in the forums (most people don't look here) Like XEffects should be listed right off the front page.
- Any interesting plugins should have a section
- Show Case of projects and or games (this is key)
- New Topics and New Posts maybe so people at a glance can see whats going on in teh community today. (helps for community building)

It's time to grow up boys, Change is good :D
We're currently building up the screenshots section in the gallery. So all images do exist with automatically created thumbnails etc. So it's just a matter of integrating this stuff into the website. Projects and plugins won't go to our website unless they have their own properly set up website. Simply because we won't give support for them, but people tend to think so. Some stuff is hosted under irrExt, and that would deserve a place on the website. But honestly, irrExt would need some more polishing before it will become really usable by everyone from the community. And it would need a stable maintenance. After all we have the Wiki, which is not that thoroughly maintained an updated, and we don't get request to put projects up on the news site or anything. It's not that we actively prohibit the dissemination of news.

However, I'm all for changes, as long as they are well-thought and give some benefit.
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Post by Virion »

DeM0nFiRe wrote:Yes, the site definitely needs to be pimped. When I first saw this site, it looked like the project must have been dead because the site looked so old. Eventually my searches kept leading back to here so I started using it anyway.

Also, I think it is about time that the forums moved to phpBB3! I've been curious as to why that hasn't been done yet. You can upgrade phpBB2 to phpBB3 without losing any data. phpBB3 is also a crapload easier to integrate with other software.
i'm not very sure but i think source forge does not support phpbb3?
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Post by xray »

Now the idea of a new site gets going. I was still updating the html and css files to my created design, but I think its better to stop this now to avoid dobble work. First we need to know who creates anew site or if we should create a contest, dont know if this is possible. Maybe bitplane or hybrid you could ask Niko (or if I should go with my design).

@Fuzzy: Yes I misunderstood you. By the way your first entry is very nice too, but the second one is in my opinion to dark. The irrlicht website has alot of informations and reading alot stuff is better with black text on white background.
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Post by m_krzywy »

I agree that changes are needed.

FuzzYspo0N's site template is great. Combining it with new phpBB3 would bring next generation look for irrlicht :D
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Post by BlindSide »

We were thinking we let the mass public decide in some kind of vote/competition. I think we should take this one step at a time and think about PHPBB3 at a later stage after we have a new front page.

On an unrelated note, I'd like to remind some people to chill the **** out, and not provoke each other.
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Post by r2d2 »

Yeah some kind of competition would be cool (i won't enter cause i don't know anything about webdesign ^^) :) hopefully we will see many entries.
I have to agree with BlindSide, one step at a time, first the new design then perhaps a new forum software.
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

I agree on the waiting to upgrade forums, seeing as the themes can stull be interchanged (phpbb2 skins are modded slighlty).

For those interested : i have a white / lighter version in the pipeline and will post it later tonight.

Thanks for all the advice, and please guys submit designs, we are a community GO GO GO
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Post by d3jake »

I did not mean to rush things when i suggested a forum theme, I just figured if we were going to think about updating the look of the web site then the forum should also, in turn, have its look improved.
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Post by Valmond »

I don't know it if goes into the "pimp the forum" thread but it would be nice
to have a section with (free) user content for Irrlicht users so that when you
start off you can download say some characters, objects, terrain maps,
tools, b3d files, etc. etc. so people can play around with working assets
before setting up their 3D pipeline for example.
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Post by Katsankat »

Wait. Someone made a logo for nothing, why would one redo a website?
Lonesome Ducky
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Post by Lonesome Ducky »

FuzzYspo0N wrote:i thought about it and decided to cause some noise. I made a site layout that i think works (its flexible).

It uses simple css and html (some dhtml for the fading images)
It uses the existing content edit pipeline (or a simpler one if need be)
It would only take about an hour to css it properly.

Some cool things this mockup is missing :

some nice icons for the items,
better layout and formatting (its rough),
alignments fixed etc.

So, how about this?

And i agree with varmint. Lets move forward.
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Post by bitplane »

hybrid wrote:After all we have the Wiki, which is not that thoroughly maintained an updated, and we don't get request to put projects up on the news site or anything.
There is a fundamental flaw with our wiki, which is simply that it is not MediaWiki. I think this is the main reason people don't feel comfortable adding stuff to it, at least it is in my case.
The syntax is different so users can't copy/paste formatting code from Wikipedia, you can't move pages, there's no category tree, no back-links, no templates, no talk pages... It's basically missing all of the superb organizational features which made it possible for hundreds of thousands of people to contribute to the world's largest encyclopedia. MediaWiki invites people to organize and sort and edit, it's a world class tool for collaborative editing. Ours isn't.

In fact, I'd like to see everything except the forums replaced by a MediaWiki install with a few protected main pages and the rest made entirely of community created content.
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Post by andrei25ni »

FuzzYspo0N template looks awesome, I'd really like to see that as the new frontpage.

And, as Virion said, phpBB3 it's not working on sourceforge, I couldn't install it on my project page.
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Post by Masterhawk »

FuzzYspo0N wrote:i thought about it and decided to cause some noise. I made a site layout that i think works (its flexible).

It uses simple css and html (some dhtml for the fading images)
It uses the existing content edit pipeline (or a simpler one if need be)
It would only take about an hour to css it properly.

Some cool things this mockup is missing :

some nice icons for the items,
better layout and formatting (its rough),
alignments fixed etc.

So, how about this?

And i agree with varmint. Lets move forward.
Holy sh*t, this looks damn nice...*applause*
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Post by twilight17 »

andrei25ni wrote: And, as Virion said, phpBB3 it's not working on sourceforge, I couldn't install it on my project page.
Virion wrote: i'm not very sure but i think source forge does not support phpbb3?
I think we should get phpBB3! :D

Post this userbar I made on other websites to show your support for Irrlicht!
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1261 ... wernq4.png
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