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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am launched

Post by flipmode »

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce the launch of .
Like the name suggests the site deals with indie and casual games, focused on showcasing every single game with a gameplay video.
I hope this makes browsing games an enjoyable experience, and will spare people the hurdle of downloading demos with next to no previous knowledge.
The initial lineup contains about 50 titles, with new games being added on a regular basis.

Aside from trying to get the site known, I am also posting because I would be happy to get in touch with developers who would be interested in having their games featured on The preconditions for that are an available demo version, and the game has to be available through an affiliate enabled e-commerce site such as Plimus or RegNow.

So, I hope you will enjoy browsing the site and watching some videos
Any feedback or tips are very welcome.
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Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:08 pm

Post by andrei25ni »

Nice ideea.
Do you plan to add a way that people can comment on the game entries? I personally like to see what others have to say about a game, before I download.

I see H-Craft Championship, an Irrlicht game, is on the list, cool.

I hope I'll see my games up there at some time :D
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

flipmode was the artist from H-craft Championship andrei25ni :P

Hey flipmode! i dont see you on yahoo anymore XD I saw the link on your site last week sometime, it looks exciting. Nice work so far..
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am

Post by flipmode »

Damn, I was thinking about a funny way to explain the H-Craft situation, but FuzzY is too fast for me;)
Actually comments for games are already in, but probably a bit hard to spot.
I wanted to keep the gamepages clean, so they are on the posts, like that:
However, being just launched there are not many comments yet, but I use it to drop a few lines myself sometimes if a game stands out.
Andrei, if you have any games which could be added just let me know:)

Fuzzy! Did we use yahoo? I`ve been puzzled why I don`t see you on ICQ anymore;) (but CuteAlien ensured me you`d be still alive;)
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Post by CuteAlien »

Has even 2 Irrlicht games already - "Galactic Dream – Rage of War" is another one.
IRC: #irrlicht on
Code snippet repository:
Free racer made with Irrlicht:
Posts: 326
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Post by andrei25ni »

Damn, I was thinking about a funny way to explain the H-Craft situation, but FuzzY is too fast for me;)
Andrei, if you have any games which could be added just let me know:)
I will, but currently they are not finished.

btw, on the About page there is a small spelling mistake, in the title it sais "Welcome to!"
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am

Post by flipmode »

ops, that`s embarrassing;) Thanks for pointing it out, fixed it.
Posts: 308
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Post by Valmond »

Cool site!

A bit of personal critics ;) :
I would like to see the price on the 'first' page (not needing to go to the "gamepage") and talking about
the "gamepage", it's kind of wierd name, I didn't click on it at first thinking it would take me to the creators website...

And yeah, the number of buys would be cool to have too!

Do you accept free games?

Keep up the great work!

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am

Post by flipmode »

Hey, thanks for the feedback:)

You are the second one to ask about putting the price on the first page, so there seems to be something about it. I don`t really feel well with it though, because I prefer it to be perceived as a video centered site offering purchases as well, rather than the other way round. However, I will think about it.

The gamepage-name issue is kinda bad, not exactly what I aimed for. Any suggestions for a better naming? If it`s good enough I`ll have to edit 120 pages, thus I almost hope not;)

Free games > Hasn`t been planned initially, but yes, it`s the first modification to the site I will add very soon.
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Post by munemune »

About gamepage-name issue, how about "Check Game Features"
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am

Post by flipmode »

Thanks for the suggestion...would solve it I think, but doesn`t 100% convince me yet. I`ll give it some time before I actually change it.
Cheers for Coraline! ;)
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