cAudio 1.7.1 Release! :)

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cAudio 1.7.1 Release! :)

Post by wildrj »

Hello everyone i just wanted to inform you of the cAudio 1.7.1 release. This is a bug fix release and also a better packaging. There is a build for everything but mac so using it should be a breeze. The source has been cleaned up and so has the documentation. The source codeblocks project as also been fixed so you no longer get the -lmikmod cannot be found.

Example apps and tutorials were added to each release and are one click compile.

Bug Fix:
You no longer have to create a new object every time you want to play a sound file you can now just use the same object *this was the original idea but just recently fixed the issue*

cAudio 1.7.1 can be downloaded at

Now for the nitty gritty:

The cAudio Engine is a c++ wrapper around openal to allow you to get sound and music into your games easily.
current version 1.7.1

The main reason behind making cAudio was there wasn't a hole lot of choices for getting sound into your game. Basically there was audiere, fmod, bass, irrKlang,and SDL mixer. Also there was openal which cAudio is built on. The only problem with using openal is its hard to use in games. So cAudio was born.

cAudio uses openal for controlling all aspects of the sound.
Vorbis libary for decoding and playing .ogg files.
Mikmod for the mod,xm,it,and s3d support.

Special Thanks to Dark_Kilauea,KittyCat, Sudi, Rooly, and BloodInch

Supports: ogg,wav
Download Here
* 2d Audio

* 3d Audio

* Pitch control

* Directional control

* Velocity control

* Listener orientation control

* Doppler control

* Looping

* Multiple streams

* Load file into memory and play

* Stream file

* Play,pause,and stop controls

* Easy to use Audio manager

* Self contained *no longer need runtime installed*

* Easy to extend


cAudio 1.7.1 downloads page: ... .php?cid=1 << My gamedev blog
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Post by wildrj »

I would like to ask anyone who has made a irrlicht scene node for cAudio to plz share. I do plan on making one but if no one else will i can come up with one in some time. << My gamedev blog
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Post by Valmond »

Nice work, if it's easy to add I'll probably use it in my little game.
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Post by Kalango »

There is an odd bug, when i use something like cout<< to print the 'x' value on the example, 3d sound is somehow disabled.... it happen if i put cout before or after the update function
Why does that happen?!
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Post by wildrj »

Hmm thats odd indeed ive tried to recreate the problem and i cant... Can you show me some of your code? << My gamedev blog
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Post by Kalango »

Sorry for the (long) delay
Here is the odd part of the code...

Code: Select all

    //Playback sound
    cout<<x<<endl; //This damm thing!
But when i remove the "cout", it works....
Sound is comming out, the problem is with the 3d feel, it sounds just like 2d sound....and not fading away
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Post by wildrj »

Lol sorry for my even later response.. You must remember to make sure your audio file is in mono format. I supply a tutorial on the main site that describes how to convert a stereo audio file to a mono audio file using audacity. << My gamedev blog
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Post by Kalango »

Hmm, i'm using all the sounds available in the package...
Maybe is something wrong with my sound buffers, i usualy play music while i make game developing....
Thanks anyway.
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Post by munemune »

Hi, i have been try cAudio for a while, nice sound engine. After i test it with some code, i have some suggestion :

I think is better to remove (int argc, char* argv[]) argument dependen in your source code.

The (int argc, char* argv[]) was needed to call alutInit(int argc, char* argv[]) in cListener.h, i think (int argc, char* argv[]) argument will force user to pass every (int argc, char* argv[]) in main function to other function that using cAudio.

My suggestion is to change alutInit function call in cListener.h. To :

Code: Select all

And change every header file that have reference to initaudio function in cListener.h. This will make user only need to call cAudio::IAudioManager->init() without need to pass (int argc, char* argv[]) argument. This will make code more portable design i think.

Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

Btw my fix suggestion idea was from this ... 02660.html
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Post by wildrj »

Aye this problem has been seen and fixed in the svn trunk of cAudio a 1.8 release is planned in the next few weeks or so with added features!

So anyone using cAudio plz grab the trunk as it is much more stable and useful. Also Dark_Kilauea is now also a offical dev. << My gamedev blog
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Post by munemune »

Any link for svn?
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Post by wildrj »

Come on now effort on your part :P << svn << My gamedev blog
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Post by munemune »

I have see the Trunk, not only bug fix but also change in code design too? I like 1.7.1 better, its much simpler, its only need some fix. Thanks for the quick reply anyway. :)
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Post by Arcoroc »

After a couple days of fiddling i managed to compile cAudio version on MacOSX, iphone & iphone simulator from Trunk.

The mac version seems to work with streaming ogg audio, but prints mismatch enum warnings at runtime in debug mode.

The iphone hardware version streams for a few seconds and stops. I probably need to call an update() function somewhere as threading likely cannot be counted on.

Also on iphone, i suspect cpu based ogg decoding to be inefficient and not taking advantage of native hardware format.

I will continue tinkering, and post a mac project with updated code after some cleanup.
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Post by ian-g »

I'd be interested in the Mac OSX project (XCode) if you have it. I've been looking for a decent audio framework that runs on iPhone, and cAudio looks like it might fit the bill.
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