Missing features list?

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Post by Repgahroll »

You know... simplification is to automatically reduce the resolution of the texture according to it's draw distance. Then some filters are applied to look better. (and it's a api feature if i think)

LOD is to actually change the texture to another one made (most times manually) to fit perfectly the scene (from distance), sometimes far textures includes non-layered lightmaps, because the texture is low-res and the rendering is faster this way. A good example of nice LOD usage is Oblivion.

I don't know exactly the right terms because i'm not a native english speaker :D.

Some people calls lod everything that change the quality of something according with distance, i don't know if it's right.
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Post by 3DModelerMan »

Well I meant automatic LOD. It could generate LOD meshes at load time by copying into array elements wich could have a number of elements equal to the LOD level parameter. Then it could colapse edge loops. But the missing feature list would be nice so that I could kinda get used to programming other scene nodes first.
That would be illogical captain...

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Post by xDan »

I created a wishlist on the wiki and populated it with a couple "wishes" of my own :twisted:

http://www.irrlicht3d.org/wiki/index.ph ... n.Wishlist

I hope that's ok. Should I link to it in the wiki sidebar? :P
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Post by DtD »

Irrlicht shouldn't do everything for you. It is not for making up for being lazy or bad coding. While things like animation blending, automatic LOD, and decals are /nice/ they are very game-specific features and should be implemented using your own code or shaders. Not directly in Irrlicht.

However, if we decide to have some requests:
Fantasy Feature: A makeMyGameForMe() function would be awesome. =P

(Not to harp on y'all but Irrlicht is really fast for a reason. They didn't fill it with fluff.)

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Post by xDan »

Yeaah. And my C file:

Code: Select all

main() { while (1); }
is really really fast. However it does not perform anything useful.

There is obviously a balance to be had. Animation blending is a key feature of character animation I think. Ogre, which is even more of a "I only do graphics!" engine than Irrlicht has it. Either Irrlicht does character animation or it doesn't. Certainly something like animation blending ought to have precedence over FPS camera systems, Quake 3 level loaders, and other things that are specific even to a certain genre of game.

Anyway the point of a wishlist is wishes, I'm not stupid enough to think the developers are suddenly going to quit their jobs and work 24/7 to get them done. If we start wishing now, who knows, give it 5 years and maybe something will have happened (heck, I may even have learnt how to implement it myself).
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