CustomSceneNode with lighting/shadows.

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CustomSceneNode with lighting/shadows.

Post by sarge »

I just finished my md5 model loader for Irrlicht, currently its based on ISceneNode class.... can anyone give me a hint how to get shadows system to work with ISceneNode? Is this 'easly' possible with ISceneNode, or I have to dig into engine to achieve this?
PS; everything what I'm doing its outside engine dll... what do you think, is possible to get lighting/shadows working with my md5 meshes without recompiling engine?
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Post by vitek »

If you wrote an md5 model loader, it should just provide an IAnimatedMesh. If it did, you could just use the IAnimatedMeshSceneNode and the IShadowVolumeSceneNode types that are built into Irrlicht. Unfortunately the shadow volume node has some issues, but it might work for your needs.

If you just want generic shadow support, it might be worth considering the use of shadow maps. BlindSide wrote a bunch of code for this. You can find it and some discussion about it here.

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