Irrlicht+Newton Problems

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Irrlicht+Newton Problems

Post by blackb »

Hi @all,

its me aggain :roll:
At the moment I am trying to setup Newton with Irrlicht. I was looking for some good (and working) tutorials but I can't find them :evil:
Does anyone know a working tutorial on Irrlicht 1.5.1 and Newton 2.0 for Visual Studio 2008 Express?
I always get an Error about an unresolved external symbol "__imp__NewtonCreate" in function "_main"...I added all this directoris from newton and Irrlicht (Irrlicht was workin fine before trying it with newton)...

Hope someone can help me (and hope it is the right forum here :D )

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Post by Brainsaw »

This is a linker error. Did you add the Newton lib to the linker?
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Post by blackb »

No, that was the Problem (The code was from an tutorial, so I thought it would work...that was what I ment by saying "there are no working tutorials out there xD)

Thank you :)

I will be back (with more problems to solve :roll: )...

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Post by Virion »

it's obviously you have not linked the library. it's not about the code but IDE setup.
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Post by blackb »

Sorry, I usually do things like this in my code. :oops:
Ok, what about tutorials for Irrlicht in combination with newton, does anyone know some good tutorials?
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Post by Seven »

I use Newton2 as one of my libs and can assist as needed. feel free to ask away......
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Post by blackb »

Ok, I have got an AnimatedMeshSceneNode called dwarf (for testing, I am using the dwarf model that was included in irrlicht) and another AnimatedMeshSceneNode called terrain (Will replace it by a not animated one later...Somewhere I read that the terrainscenenode is not good for newton).
I move the dwarf by pressing the arrowkeys (forward,backward,turn left/right) and by pressing the right Mousebutton+left/right arrowkey it moves to this direction without turning arround.
Now, the first thing I have to do ist create a gravitation and a collision detecting (would be bad to fall through the ground :D ) but I don't find code for this (or better, a tutorial to learn what code is used for what action)...

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Post by Seven »

I set up my framework with a generic IPhysicsManager, IPhysicsWorld and IPhysicsObject interface. I then created interfaces for each of the physics libraires that I wanted to test. this allowed me to create game objects that have physics attached, but the gaem objects do not know what physics library is being used. I have working libraries for Newton, Newton2, Physx, and ODE. I actuall recommend this style for everyone, because it allows me to change the physics engine at will, without changing the game itself.

example for gaem object

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class IrrObjectBox : public IrrObject
	virtual void CreatePhysicsObject()  
		// make sure the object is available

		// make sure the node is valid
		IRR_CHECK(m_Node,L"-- no node to create physics object from");

		// create a physics object to represent this node
		IPhysicsObjectData data;
		data.type = POT_PRIMITIVE_BOX;
		data.position = GetPosition();
		data.rotation = GetRotation();
		data.scale = GetScale()*2;
		data.mass = GetMass();
		data.gravity = true;
		data.bboffset = GetBBOffset();
		data.frozen = GetFrozen();
		data.userdata = GetID();
		m_PhysicsObject = GetLevel()->GetPhysicsWorld()->CreatePhysicsObject(data);

updating the node each frame requries a call to the physicsobject

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void IrrObject::Frame(float elapsedtime)
	IrrObjectMessage msg;
	if (next_state != state)
		if (force_state_change)
			state = next_state;
			next_state = state;
			force_state_change = false;

	// match the nodes to the physics object position and rotation each frame
	if (m_PhysicsObject)

	if (GetDebug()) DrawPhysicsBoundingBox();

the calls tot he physics object are handled behind the scenes, so that this call

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is handlded internally by the IPhysicsObject_Newton2 class

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vector3df CPhysicsObject_Newton2::GetPosition()			
	if(!m_NewtonBody) return vector3df(0,0,0);	
	core::matrix4 temp_mat;
	core::vector3df pos=temp_mat.getTranslation()*NewtonToIrr;
	return pos;
vector3df CPhysicsObject_Newton2::GetRotation()			
	if(!m_NewtonBody) return vector3df(0,0,0);	
	core::matrix4 temp_mat;
	return temp_mat.getRotationDegrees();

Newton2 comes with a spendid set of tutorials. Also, Irrnewt is a phenomenol teaching tool. Take a look at Irrnewt to see how they did it in there. Most of the techniques are the same for Newton2.

generically speaking, for Newton2 you do this.

create the world

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	// create the newton world
	m_NewtonWorld = NewtonCreate (NULL,NULL);
create physics objects and add to the world

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IPhysicsObject* CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::CreatePhysicsObject(IPhysicsObjectData data)
	NewtonCollision* collision = CreateCollision(data);
	if (collision)
		CPhysicsObject_Newton2* obj = new CPhysicsObject_Newton2(this);
		obj->m_NewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(m_NewtonWorld,collision);
		if(data.gravity) obj->AddContinuousForce(m_WorldData.gravity);
		return obj;
	return NULL;

NewtonCollision* CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::CreateCollision(IPhysicsObjectData data)
	switch (data.type)
		case POT_AUTO_DETECT				: {													} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_SPHERE			: {	return CreateCollision_Sphere(data);			} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_BOX				: {	return CreateCollision_Cube(data);				} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_CONE				: {	return CreateCollision_Cone(data);				} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_CAPSULE			: {	return CreateCollision_Capsule(data);			} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER			: {	return CreateCollision_Cylinder(data);			} break;
		case POT_PRIMITIVE_CHAMFERCYLINDER	: {	return CreateCollision_ChamferCylinder(data);	} break;
		case POT_CONVEXHULL					: {	return CreateCollision_ConvexHull(data);		} break;
		case POT_TREE						: { return CreateCollision_Tree(data);				} break;			
	return NULL;

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NewtonCollision* CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::CreateCollision_Sphere(IPhysicsObjectData data)
	return NewtonCreateSphere(m_NewtonWorld, data.scale.X*IrrToNewton, data.scale.Y*IrrToNewton,data.scale.Z*IrrToNewton,0,0);

NewtonCollision* CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::CreateCollision_Cube(IPhysicsObjectData data)
	data.scale += data.bboffset;
	return NewtonCreateBox (m_NewtonWorld, data.scale.X*IrrToNewton, data.scale.Y*IrrToNewton,data.scale.Z*IrrToNewton,0,0);

NewtonCollision* CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::CreateCollision_Cone(IPhysicsObjectData data)
	return NewtonCreateCone(m_NewtonWorld, data.scale.X*IrrToNewton, data.scale.Y*IrrToNewton,0,0);

and then update the world each frame

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void CPhysicsWorld_Newton2::Update(float elapsedtime)
	if (m_NewtonWorld)	NewtonUpdate (m_NewtonWorld, elapsedtime);
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Post by blackb »

Too much input :shock:
Give me a second...will try to understand this...I expected something smaller... :oops:

I read it, but i don't understand it...can you explain generally how to use this (to include it in a header file and then use this physic object for grafitation and collision detecting)?...

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Post by Seven »

sorry, i was trying to chat about design vs example.

take a look at irrnewt, it is very well designed and fairly easy to follow.

then, write a basic irrlicht app that does nothing but setup the irrlicht screen. then, add a single cube and add gravity to it. I can write something small for you if you like, just to get you going.
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Post by Seven »

ok, a full blown app. pretty much as simple as i can get it. move around with the arrow keys and 'shoot' a box with the spacebar. the app was put together quick, so it isnt perfect, but it should get you a good idea of how we use newton.

once you get it down, it might? be easier to let the newton callback move the node for you. it's a matter of preference, i prefer to move thenode manually, but either is fine.

if you need anything else, let me know.

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#include <irrlicht.h>
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
//#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")

#include "newton.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "Newton.lib")

inline irr::f32* GetMatrixPointer(const core::matrix4& mat) { return const_cast<f32*>(mat.pointer()); }
const irr::f32 NewtonToIrr =  32.0f;
const irr::f32 IrrToNewton = ( 1.0f / NewtonToIrr ) ;

// all the irrlicht stuff
IrrlichtDevice*		device			= 0;
IVideoDriver*		driver			= 0;
ISceneManager*		smgr			= 0;
IGUIEnvironment*	guienv			= 0;
ICameraSceneNode*	camera			= 0;
NewtonWorld*		newtonWorld		= 0;
float				gravity			= -10;

// a small class to hold a scenenode and a physicsobject and keep them in sync
class CPhysicsObject_Newton2
	ISceneNode* m_Node;
	NewtonBody* m_NewtonBody;

	vector3df m_Force;
	vector3df m_ContinuousForce;
	bool m_Gravity;
	float m_Mass;

	CPhysicsObject_Newton2(ISceneNode* node, NewtonBody* body) 
		m_Node = node;
		m_NewtonBody = body;
		m_Mass = 10;

		if (m_NewtonBody) NewtonDestroyBody(newtonWorld,m_NewtonBody);
		m_Node = 0; 
		m_NewtonBody = 0;	

	void update()
		if (m_Node && m_NewtonBody)
			core::matrix4 temp_mat;

	// simple functions to manipulate the forces of the object
	void addForce(vector3df force)				{ m_Force += force; 			}
	void addContinuousForce(vector3df force)	{ m_ContinuousForce += force;	}
	void setForce(vector3df force)				{ m_Force = force;				}
	void setContinousForce(vector3df force)		{ m_ContinuousForce = force;	}
	vector3df getForce()						{ return m_Force;				}
	vector3df getContinuousForce()				{ return m_ContinuousForce;		}
	vector3df getTotalForce() 
		vector3df tf = getForce() + getContinuousForce();
		tf += gravity;
		return tf;

	void setPosition(vector3df pos)	
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;

		irr::core::matrix4 irr_mat;
	void setRotation(vector3df rot)	
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;
		core::matrix4 temp_mat;
	vector3df getPosition()			
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return vector3df(0,0,0);	
		core::matrix4 temp_mat;
		core::vector3df pos=temp_mat.getTranslation()*NewtonToIrr;
		return pos;
	vector3df getRotation()			
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return vector3df(0,0,0);	
		core::matrix4 temp_mat;
		return temp_mat.getRotationDegrees();
	void setFreeze(bool value)		
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (m_NewtonBody,value);
	void setMass(float value)		
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;
		irr::f32 current_mass,inx,iny,inz;
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_NewtonBody,value/*no current_mass*/,inx,iny,inz);
	float getMass()
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return 0;

		dFloat mass;
		dFloat Ixx;
		dFloat Iyy;
		dFloat Izz;
		NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (m_NewtonBody, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);
		return mass;
	void setLinearDamping(float value) 
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;

	void setAngularDamping(vector3df value)
		if(!m_NewtonBody) return;
		float ad[3];
		ad[0] = value.X;
		ad[1] = value.Y;
		ad[2] = value.Z;

void defBodyForceAndTorqueCallback (const NewtonBody* n_body, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex) 
	// get a pointer to the object
	CPhysicsObject_Newton2* obj = (CPhysicsObject_Newton2*)NewtonBodyGetUserData(n_body);

	// store the total force on the object
	irr::f32 tf[3];
	tf[0] = obj->getTotalForce().X;
	tf[1] = obj->getTotalForce().Y;
	tf[2] = obj->getTotalForce().Z;

	//reset force

	// add the forces to the newton body
	NewtonBodyAddForce(n_body, tf);

NewtonCollision* CreateCollision_Cube(ISceneNode* cube)
	vector3df scale = cube->getScale();
	return NewtonCreateBox (newtonWorld, scale.X*IrrToNewton, scale.Y*IrrToNewton,scale.Z*IrrToNewton,0,0);

CPhysicsObject_Newton2* CreatePhysicsObject(vector3df pos, vector3df rot, vector3df scale, float mass)
	ISceneNode* node = smgr->addCubeSceneNode(1);
	node->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("media/fire.bmp"));
	node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
	NewtonCollision* collision = CreateCollision_Cube(node);
	if (collision)
		NewtonBody* body = NewtonCreateBody(newtonWorld,collision);
		CPhysicsObject_Newton2* obj = new CPhysicsObject_Newton2(node,body);


		return obj;
	return NULL;

core::list<CPhysicsObject_Newton2*> m_List;

void createBoxAtCamera()
	CPhysicsObject_Newton2* obj = CreatePhysicsObject(camera->getPosition(),vector3df(30,30,30),vector3df(20,20,20),10);
	core::vector3df dir = camera->getTarget() - camera->getPosition();
	obj->addContinuousForce(dir * 200);

u32 cur_time,delta,last_time;
float updateTime () 
	cur_time = device->getTimer()->getRealTime ();
	delta = (float)((float)(cur_time - last_time) / 2);
	last_time = cur_time;
	return delta;

class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
	virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& e)
		switch (e.EventType)
					if (e.KeyInput.PressedDown)
					switch (e.KeyInput.Key)
						case KEY_SPACE : createBoxAtCamera(); break;
				} 	break;
		return false;

int main()
	MyEventReceiver receiver;
	device = createDevice( video::EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d<u32>(640, 480), 16,	false, false, false, 0);
	if (!device)return 1;
	device->setWindowCaption(L"Hello World! - Irrlicht Engine Demo");

	driver	= device->getVideoDriver();
	smgr	= device->getSceneManager();
	guienv	= device->getGUIEnvironment();
	camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS();

	// create the newton world
	newtonWorld = NewtonCreate (NULL,NULL);

	// organize the world before beginning updates (optional)
	NewtonInvalidateCache (newtonWorld);

	// create the floor

		// update the newton world
		if (newtonWorld)	NewtonUpdate (newtonWorld, updateTime());
		// update the objects
		if (!m_List.empty()) 
			core::list<CPhysicsObject_Newton2*>::Iterator it = m_List.begin();
			for (; it != m_List.end(); it++)

		driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,100,101,140));

	// delete the list of objects
	core::list<CPhysicsObject_Newton2*>::Iterator it = m_List.begin();
	for (; it != m_List.end();)
		delete (*it);
		it = m_List.erase(it);

	// destroy the newton world
	if (newtonWorld) NewtonDestroy (newtonWorld); newtonWorld = 0;


	return 0;
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Post by blackb »

Ok, I don't understand all of this but now I am able to learn it by myself I think (If not I will ask aggain^^).
Thank you :)
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