I am interested how can enlarge performance of application
or it`s trouble only with irr-engine?
My programm show me 5 FPS and
PrimitiveCountDrawn(0) return me 232873
But only my terrain use 262144 vertexes
and 26214 pyramid with 5 vertex each.
irrlicht does not assume the optimization rendering?
even 24 thousand primitives and 5 fps is very little
in my demo im use cycle
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IMeshBuffer* mb = terrain->getMesh()->getMeshBuffer(0);
for(int i=0; i<mb->getVertexCount();i+=10)
//core::vector3df pos = mb->getNormal(i); //mb->getTCoords(i);
core::vector3df pos = mb->getPosition(i); //mb->getTCoords(i);
pos.X *=5; // terrain was scaled
pos.Y+= 5;
pos.Z *=5;
gameModel* tmp = new Test1(this->device,this->player.node,pos,core::vector3df(0,0,0));
printf("VERTEX COUNT: %d\n", mb->getVertexCount());
i load model with GetMesh(MODEL_NAME) and use simple animator
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scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = 0;
core::vector3df end_pos = obj_pos;
end_pos.Y += 200;
anim = smgr->createFlyStraightAnimator(obj_pos,end_pos,1200,true,true);