Texture coordinates messed up

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Texture coordinates messed up

Post by roelor »

Hello guys,

I have a question about uwv maps. I mapped my character and animated it and then exported it to .x with pandasoft's exporter. But the problem is the texture map (I rendered using render to texture) is all messed up in irrlicht. (Doesn't use my uwv map.)

Is there anything that irrlicht can't standard do when uv mapping (Like overlapping coordinates and such), 'cause I really made an ugly uwv map just to test.

Anyway, I need a solution for applying a good texture map.
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Post by Mel »

When you render to texture in MAX, MAX creates automatically a new set of texture coordinates in the channel 3 to preserve the original one which is usually in channel 1.

But Panda Exports only the channel 1, and the other texture map channels are exported as FVFData tags in the X file, which irrlicht currently don't support.

Your solution may lie within one of these two choices:

1: You render to texture using the channels you already have, and this way you only need to export 1 channel of texture coordinates. Keep in mind that your model can't overlap, then, the coordinates of the polygons, i.e. each polygon must have its own unique space in the UV coordinates.

2: Render to the second channel of the texture coordinates, and exchange your export to B3D, which supports multiple mapping coordinates in irrlicht. It also support bone animation, so it can be used instead of the X exporter.

The only thing is that there is no exporter for anything beyond MAX9.
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Post by roelor »

Thanks for your reply,
(I have max 2010, my pandasoft exporter works brilliantly..)
So that means I need to re do my Uwv maps..
Posts: 240
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Post by roelor »

Nevermind I finally got it working!
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