Texture get blur or disappear - -
- I use EDT_DIRECT3d9 with 32 bits and 1024*768
- videoDriver->beginScene(true,true,video::SColor(255,150,150,255));
- My Texture is 2048 * 2048 (so it has nothing to do with power of 2 texture)
- My black line is cube node from irrlicht with 64*64 black texture
- I use node->setMaterialTexture
- I tried using EMF_ANTI_ALIASING but nothing happened
- I already use EMF_NORMALIZE
- I use directional Light, so it's as you see everything is all bright
--- I have the same problem with my last program also but this time i can't stand this anymore TT
--------- Help me Plz TT -----------
What i have to do if i want them to be more clear.
and I want my black line to be more straight - -
Ps. Sorry for my bad English TT