i have 2 cameras, one is a fps style camera the other one is a custom camera movable by WASD keys, the default active camera is the custom camera, and by pressing F2 key, the active camera is switched to the fps camera
then if i press WASD the custom camera moves around and the effect is seen in the second picture
in the first picture the custom camera is active.
i don't know if those circled shadows are from the cameras or not
my node hierarchy is: whole_car_node(parent)->vw_node
wheels_node(parent)->front wheels and rear wheels
and vw_node is parent for the 3dmodels (IAnimatedSceneNodes) for different parts of the chassis of the car
vw_node,whole_car_node,unslidable_node and wheels_node are Empty SceneNodes ...
the scale of the model is vector3df(20,20,20), and the center of the model is right there where the strange little shadow is
the position of the whole_car_node is vector3df(0,0,0) and the position of the vw_node is vector3df(0,3,0)
don't know if this helps but the effects are strange indeed