Quake 2 Clone (Quack 2)

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Quake 2 Clone (Quack 2)

Post by skreamz_ »

Hey All,

Ive been writing a quake 2 clone, (1.5 months), using all the old models, textures, maps, videos, etc. as im a one man team and only a programmer i decieded to use all the old material so i can just think about programming and not worrying about anything else.

Librarys being used (atm):

boost (threads & smart ptrs).

whats implemented so far:

loading of textures *.wal, models *.md2. pak archives *.pak (loader written by me ages ago) - Irrlicht.

Q2 bsp loading - custom loader, Q2 cin videos (intro, ingame) playing.

(only fly through viewing so far).

what i will be doing

physics implimentation.
socket code (raknet maybe).
adding gfx inhancements e.g per pixel lighting, stencil buffer shadows, dynamic lava, water, slime :p

i know the name is a bit strange (*has no imagination*), atm im looking for ideas e.g enhancements that i can do as a programmer, also would anyone be intrested in the code for playing vids through ffmpeg, and loading of quake 2 maps??
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Post by netpipe »

wow you've got alot done already! let meeee join :P

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Post by Viz_Fuerte »

Is it legal to use models and textures from other games without the consent of their creator?
I think it's illegal.
Ask him permission to id software first. :lol:
i know the name is a bit strange (*has no imagination*)
:? It seems that a talking duck :lol:

I hope it goes well, but better put some imagination and do not copy!
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Post by skreamz_ »

from what i understand.

as long as the user has bought a copy of quake 2, they can use the games contents. but cannot redistribute, or resale. etc...

so all i will be distributing is my exe basically.

ill get some screenies up in the next week or so.
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Post by Viz_Fuerte »

This is good to know. :o

If you create a game using the models and textures of the Quake 2 and upload it on your website, you would distributed, part of the game footage.

I also thought it would be legal, It isn't the same with the mods to the game.

If this were so easy, there would be many games "free" with models of Left4dead, Half Life or Counter strike. :shock:

If you do not want to have future problems, I recommend you read this.
http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_i ... tory=26290
Layers of Protection

Games aren’t all about code. Just because you wrote your clone or fan game from scratch does not guarantee that it is legal. The intellectual property contained in a video game is truly vast. For instance the copyrights alone may include (but are by no means limited to):

Audiovisual display
Sound recordings
Voice recordings
Background drawings
Sprite drawings
Musical compositions
Source Code
Object Code

Furthermore, you have trademark, trade dress and unfair competition claims in the original work to worry about, including:

Game name
Company name
Character names
Character appearance and clothing
The game’s look and feel
Game packaging

And last but not least, you may even have some random claims out of left field by game actors/SAG members, including:

Name and likeness
Privacy rights
That this serve as an example. :twisted:
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Post by hybrid »

Then just let it load those models if they exist, and not upload them together with your executable. There's no problem with providing loaders, and even assuming certain files to exist. Moreover, the engine itself if GPL'ed, and many maps and models are also available under liberal licenses. So it's not impossible to provide some full download as well.
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Post by Viz_Fuerte »

What you say is true, but this would be oriented to the models, levels and textures that people do to the Quake 2.

An example would be what they have done with the modification "Tenebre" of Quake 1.
You can use the models, textures and levels created by users (as the licensing of these),
but you can't use the models, textures and levels of the original game.

I do not like this, but that is what the law says. :roll:
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Post by skreamz_ »

So for me to distribute my exe (by itself) is illegal? because it uses another games content?
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Location: Valencia (Spain)

Post by Viz_Fuerte »

The "exe" file itself is not illegal :lol:

What would be illegal?, distributing parts of the game itself (models, textures, levels, sprites,...)
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Post by skreamz_ »

thats all i was going to do :p .....

people can play it if they already own the original Q2
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Post by Dorth »

Actually, not every company protect or respond the same to such clones. Some welcome them and even help, some allow at the level you are doing, some will fight you bitterly if you even allow to use proprietary files. A good thing to do is something that was suggested above. CONTACT the company. They surprisingly answer usualy fast at such requests and will tell you exactly their position. Be detailed in what you want to do. If you do not like their answers, you can always consult a lawyer, but it becomes harder from that point onward. So do the easy first step and if you get green light from them in writting (if they insist for a phone call, record it. It's stupid but some people have been played for fools before), then you are good :)
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