Camera movement issue

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Camera movement issue

Post by Colton450 »

This is my first post ever... Using the source from the tutorials, I have been editing code for the last 3 days in an attempt to make the camera accelerate forward instead of move at a constant velocity.

Judging by the simplicity of my issue... I'm sure you can tell that I am a newbie. 3 days of googling and a total of 17 hours of staring at a screen has brought me to my whits end with this.

I have tried using a velocity variable for the third parameter of addCameraSceneNodeFPS and increasing that variable, but I honestly have no idea where to start...

Another issue is that I simply do not understand where the "ACTION" definitions are in the FPS camera.

Honestly, I'm not even sure if what I just said will make sense to anyone who knows what they are doing... but if anyone can help me, you're my hero/heroes.

If there's anything you would like to know in order to help me, please ask.
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Post by agamemnus »

Well, I have something like this in my program, but I don't use the FPS camera. For acceleration, what I have is a multiplier value on the speed that keeps increasing as the player is zooming in, but also a hard limit to prevent it from being too fast. When the player stops zooming in, the multiplier value resets to 1.
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Post by Colton450 »

That's similar to the way I did it before I started using Irrlicht, but I'm not sure how to do that with any of the camera nodes. What type of node were you using?
Posts: 283
Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:06 pm

Post by agamemnus »

I am using a regular camera scene node.

Zooming in happens manually via my camera functions, not automatically as with an fps camera.
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