Irrlicth has a scale animator?

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Irrlicth has a scale animator?

Post by Tranen »

There is something like:
scenemanager->createScaleAnimator(...) that makes my object bigger or smaller while time is passing?

I've searched in scenemanager documentation but i haven't found it.

If I need to create it can you gave me some advice? Where I can start?

Last edited by Tranen on Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Bear_130278 »


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f32 TimeDelta=Irrtime-lastTime;TimeDelta/=100;
Node->setScale(vector3df(1.0f*TimeDelta,1.0f*TimeDelta,1.0f*TimeDelta)); lastTime=Irrtime;
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Post by randomMesh »

My boids do it like this:

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void BoidSceneNode::OnAnimate(u32 timeMs)
	if (this->firstUpdate)
		this->lastAnimationTime = timeMs;
		this->firstUpdate = false;

	const f32 elapsed = (timeMs - this->lastAnimationTime)*0.001;
	this->lastAnimationTime = timeMs;

	if (this->perching) //if on ground
		if (this->forward)
			this->RelativeScale += irr::core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)*elapsed;

			if (this->RelativeScale.X > 2.0f)
				this->forward = false;
			this->RelativeScale -= irr::core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)*elapsed;

			if (this->RelativeScale.X < 1.0f)
				this->forward = true;

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Post by sudi »

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class CScaleAnimator : public irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator
    CScaleAnimator(irr::core::vector3df scalePerSec)
        LastTime = 0;
    void animateNode(irr::scene::ISceneNode* node, irr::u32 timeMs)
        if (LastTime == 0)
            LastTime = timeMs;
        irr::f32 diff = (timeMs-LastTime) / 1000.0f;
        LastTime = timeMs;
    irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(irr::scene::ISceneNode* node, irr::scene::ISceneManager* newManager=0)
        return new CScaleAnimator(ScalePerSec);
    irr::u32 LastTime;
    irr::core::vector3df ScalePerSec;
Last edited by sudi on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tranen »

Thanks! :)
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Post by hybrid »

IIRC, a scale animator was added to irrExt project.
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Post by Bear_130278 »

Random 8))) I got question....
What is a reason you use "this" like

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I do not understand.... 8)))
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Post by SG57 »

'this' is a pointer to the current class object instance. It isn't required to access members within the class like that person did, though it can be used like in the way that person did it. Probably for improved understanding when reading it (so you know where that variable or function is located that is being called).

The 'this' pointer is useful in that it allows a class to 'delete' itself. Irrlicht's reference counter (IUnknown) does this explicitly.
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Post by Bear_130278 »

SG57, oh cmon 8))
I know what is "this" for.... i just wondered, why randomMesh used it in the case....
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Post by randomMesh »

Bear_130278 wrote:i just wondered, why randomMesh used it in the case....
I used it because i use it for all member variables and methods of a class.
So when reading my code, i know at once it's a member of the class, not an argument.
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Post by Tranen »

Hi, i'm trying to use Sudi code, here is what I do:

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IMeshSceneNode* s = smgr->addSphereSceneNode(10);
CScaleAnimator sa(core::vector3df(4,4,4));
before the render loop.
Nothing happens it seems that the animatedNode function is never called by the engine, so what else I must do? I need to register in some way this animator with the engine?

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Post by Tranen »

Sorry I see that with this works:

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CScaleAnimator* sa2 = new CScaleAnimator(core::vector3df(4,4,4));
Since I don't have launched a create* function a I don't need to drop the object right?

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Post by randomMesh »

Tranen wrote:Since I don't have launched a create* function a I don't need to drop the object right?
Wrong. If you allocate memory on the heap, you have to delete it to prevent memory leaks.

Irrlichts create* methods use new too.
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