BSP Factory loads a BSP file -Quake(TM) or Half-Life(TM) version-, lightmaps it, and exports to several formats.
The new version of BSP Factory, amongst other things, will allow you to write exporters in simple scripts to export to any file format you want. It includes exporters for .b3d and .x formats, although I have written some more. I want to post these exporters on different forums first to ensure that they do work correctly, and then i'll add them to the package. I have exporters for gile[s], OGRE, NeoEngine, Pulsar LMTools, and some more.
All the people who bought it through Binary-People, please send me your Share-It receipt (an e-mail from them which demonstrates that you bought it) to receive the update. I told Binary People to send me the list of people who bought it, but they didn't

You can buy it for 12.95€ here:
Demo version here:
An example written in Blitz:
An example written in DarkBASIC v1.13:
Some (old) pics to show what it can do (Blitz3D screens):

Screenshots taken in DarkBASIC Professional:

A screenshot of a Counter Strike map rendered in DarkBASIC v1.13: