Has anyone tried out creating Ogg Therora/Vorbis player using Irrlicht.
Please help me with code snippets or pointers if possible.
Theora player using Irrlicht
This movie player using ffmpeg can playback ogg files.
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... p?p=210526
The openAL playback hasn't been programmed to use vorbis. This is possible with OpenAL if you are willing to make changes to the class or the cAudio class. Either way youll have to program if you want full support.
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... ght=caudio
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... p?p=210526
The openAL playback hasn't been programmed to use vorbis. This is possible with OpenAL if you are willing to make changes to the class or the cAudio class. Either way youll have to program if you want full support.
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... ght=caudio
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- Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:04 am
Here's some code i recently played with. No sound yet.
Original code is from this thread.
Original code is from this thread.
Code: Select all
#include "TheoraPlayer.h"
#include <irrlicht.h>
int main()
irr::IrrlichtDevice* device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, irr::core::dimension2du(800, 600));
irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
CTheoraPlayer tp(device);
tp.load("some_video.ogg", false);
irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();
guienv->addImage(tp.getTexture(), irr::core::position2di(0,0));
irr::ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();
irr::u32 then = timer->getTime();
while (device->run())
const irr::u32 now = timer->getTime();
const irr::u32 frameDeltaTime = now - then;
then = now;
return 0;
Code: Select all
#include <theora/theora.h>
#include <irrTypes.h>
namespace irr
class IrrlichtDevice;
namespace video
class IVideoDriver;
class ITexture;
class IImage;
namespace io
class IReadFile;
class CTheoraPlayer
CTheoraPlayer(irr::IrrlichtDevice* device);
//! Start playing
bool load(const char* const fileName, const bool loop = false);
//! Get next frame and update texture
bool update(const irr::u32 timeMs);
bool stop();
//! Get playing state
inline const E_THEORA_PLAYER_STATE& getState() const { return iState; }
//! Get texture interface
inline irr::video::ITexture* const getTexture() const
if (iTexture)
return iTexture;
return iBlankTexture;
//! Get image interface
inline irr::video::IImage* const getImage() const { return iImage; }
//! Decode next frame from ogg input stream.
//\return true if frame was successfully decoded.
bool ProcessNextFrame();
//! Write out the planar YUV frame, uncropped.
void UpdateBuffer();
///Copies the buffer data to the Irrlicht texture.
void UpdateTexture();
bool PrepareOgg();
bool PrepareBuffers();
//! Helper Theora functions
void queue_page(ogg_page* page);
int buffer_data();
// Irrlicht classes
irr::IrrlichtDevice* iIrrDevice;
irr::video::IVideoDriver* iIrrVideoDriver;
irr::video::ITexture* iBlankTexture;
irr::video::ITexture* iTexture;
irr::video::IImage* iImage;
irr::io::IReadFile* iVideoFile;
//Ogg and codec state for demux/decode
ogg_sync_state iOggSyncState;
///Used to encapsulate the data in one Ogg bitstream page.
ogg_page iOggPage;
ogg_stream_state iOggStreamState;
theora_info iTheoraInfo;
theora_comment iTheoraComment;
theora_state iTheoraDecoderState;
int iTheoraPacketsCount;
ogg_packet iOggPacket;
bool iIsLooped;
irr::u32 iCurrFrame;
irr::u32 iCurrTime;
#endif /* THEORAPLAYER_H_ */
Code: Select all
#include "TheoraPlayer.h"
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <iostream>
CTheoraPlayer::CTheoraPlayer(irr::IrrlichtDevice* device) :
iIrrDevice(device), iIrrVideoDriver(device->getVideoDriver()), iTexture(0),
iImage(0), iVideoFile(0), iTheoraPacketsCount(0), iState(ETPS_IDLE)
// create blank texture
iBlankTexture = iIrrVideoDriver->addTexture(irr::core::dimension2du(1, 1), "CTheoraPlayerBlankTexture");
irr::u8* data = (irr::u8*) iBlankTexture->lock();
if (data)
memset(data, 0xFF, iBlankTexture->getPitch()*iBlankTexture->getSize().Height);
bool CTheoraPlayer::load(const char* const fileName, const bool loop)
// stop previous video
iIsLooped = loop;
// try to open file
iVideoFile = iIrrDevice->getFileSystem()->createAndOpenFile(fileName);
if (iVideoFile == NULL)
std::cerr << "Failed to open file: " << fileName << std::endl;
return false;
// initialize ogg decoder
if (!PrepareOgg())
return false;
// prepare texture and buffer
if (!PrepareBuffers())
return false;
return true;
bool CTheoraPlayer::stop()
if (iState == ETPS_IDLE)
return true;
if (iTheoraPacketsCount)
if (iVideoFile != 0)
iVideoFile = 0;
if (iTexture != 0)
iTexture = 0;
if (iImage != 0)
iImage = 0;
iState = ETPS_IDLE;
return true;
bool CTheoraPlayer::PrepareOgg()
// set start pos
Ok, Ogg parsing. The idea here is we have a bitstream that is made up of Ogg pages. The libogg sync layer will
find them for us. There may be pages from several logical streams interleaved;
we find the first theora stream and ignore any others.
Then we pass the pages for our stream to the libogg stream layer which assembles our original set of packets out of
them. It's the packets that libtheora actually knows how to handle.
int stateflag = 0;
/* start up Ogg stream synchronization layer */
/* init supporting Theora structures needed in header parsing */
iTheoraPacketsCount = 0;
iCurrFrame = 0;
iCurrTime = 0;
//Ogg file open; parse the headers
//Vorbis and Theora both depend on some initial header packets for decoder setup and initialization.
//We retrieve these first before entering the main decode loop.
//Only interested in Theora streams
while (!stateflag)
const int ret = buffer_data();
if (ret == 0)
while (ogg_sync_pageout(&iOggSyncState,&iOggPage)>0)
ogg_stream_state test;
//is this a mandated initial header? If not, stop parsing
if (!ogg_page_bos(&iOggPage))
//don't leak the page; get it into the appropriate stream
stateflag = 1;
ogg_stream_init(&test, ogg_page_serialno(&iOggPage));
ogg_stream_pagein(&test, &iOggPage);
ogg_stream_packetout(&test, &iOggPacket);
//identify the codec: try theora
if (!iTheoraPacketsCount && theora_decode_header(&iTheoraInfo, &iTheoraComment, &iOggPacket) >= 0)
//it is theora -- save this stream state
iTheoraPacketsCount = 1;
//whatever it is, we don't care about it
//fall through to non-initial page parsing
//we're expecting more header packets
while (iTheoraPacketsCount && iTheoraPacketsCount<3)
int ret;
/* look for further theora headers */
while (iTheoraPacketsCount && (iTheoraPacketsCount < 3))
ret = ogg_stream_packetout(&iOggStreamState, &iOggPacket);
if (ret < 0)
std::cerr << "CTheoraPlayer: Error parsing Theora stream headers; corrupt stream?" << std::endl;
return false;
if (theora_decode_header(&iTheoraInfo, &iTheoraComment, &iOggPacket))
std::cerr << "CTheoraPlayer: Error parsing Theora stream headers; corrupt stream?" << std::endl;
return false;
//The header pages/packets will arrive before anything else we care about, or the stream is not obeying spec
if(ogg_sync_pageout(&iOggSyncState, &iOggPage)>0)
queue_page(&iOggPage); //demux into the stream state
int ret = buffer_data(); //need more data
if (ret == 0)
std::cout << "CTheoraPlayer: End of file while searching for codec headers." << std::endl;
return false;
//now we have all the required headers. initialize the decoder
if (iTheoraPacketsCount)
theora_decode_init(&iTheoraDecoderState, &iTheoraInfo);
static irr::c8 buffer[512] = {0};
snprintf(buffer, 511, "Ogg logical stream %x is Theora %dx%d %.02f fps video\nEncoded frame content is %dx%d with %dx%d offset",
(unsigned int)iOggStreamState.serialno,iTheoraInfo.width,iTheoraInfo.height,
iTheoraInfo.frame_width, iTheoraInfo.frame_height, iTheoraInfo.offset_x, iTheoraInfo.offset_y);
std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
std::cerr << " initialize the decoder failed" << std::endl;
//tear down the partial theora setup
return false;
//queue any remaining pages from data we buffered but that did not contain headers
while (ogg_sync_pageout(&iOggSyncState, &iOggPage) > 0)
return true;
//! Create texture if needed and buffer for it.
//! If texture output is on we create buffer with the same parameters to use memcpy function in synchronization section
bool CTheoraPlayer::PrepareBuffers()
// unset auto mipmaps flag
bool oldMipmapFlag = iIrrVideoDriver->getTextureCreationFlag(irr::video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS);
iIrrDevice->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(irr::video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, false);
// create texture
const irr::core::dimension2du size(iTheoraInfo.frame_width, iTheoraInfo.frame_height);
iTexture = iIrrVideoDriver->addTexture(size, "CTheoraTexture", irr::video::ECF_R8G8B8);
// restore auto mipmaps flag
iIrrVideoDriver->setTextureCreationFlag(irr::video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, oldMipmapFlag);
if (iTexture == NULL)
std::cerr << "CTheoraPlayer: Failed to create texture" << std::endl;
return false;
// we should care what buffer and texture have the same size so we can use memcpy operation create buffer image
const irr::core::dimension2du& imageSize = iTexture->getOriginalSize();// was getSize();
const irr::u32 bufferSize = iTexture->getPitch()*imageSize.Height;
irr::u8* textureBuffer = new irr::u8[bufferSize];
if (textureBuffer == NULL)
std::cerr << "CTheoraPlayer: Failed to allocate buffer memory" << std::endl;
return false;
// create IImage, i couldn't get working parameters for createImageFromData()
// to use textureBuffer as Data in CImage class and correctly delete it
iImage = iIrrVideoDriver->createImageFromData(iTexture->getColorFormat(), imageSize, textureBuffer);
delete[] textureBuffer;
if (iImage == NULL)
std::cerr << "CTheoraPlayer: Failed to create image" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool CTheoraPlayer::update(const irr::u32 timeMs)
if (iState != ETPS_PLAYING)
return true;
// calculate how many frames need to be decoded
iCurrTime += timeMs;
const irr::u32 neededFrame = (irr::u32)(1.0f*(iCurrTime/1000.0f)*iTheoraInfo.fps_numerator/iTheoraInfo.fps_denominator);
const irr::u32 framesToDo = neededFrame - iCurrFrame;
// now decode
irr::u32 wasLastFrameDecoded = false;
for (irr::u32 i = 0; i < framesToDo; ++i)
wasLastFrameDecoded = ProcessNextFrame();
if (iState != ETPS_PLAYING)
if (wasLastFrameDecoded)
//dumpvideo frame
return true;
bool CTheoraPlayer::ProcessNextFrame()
It's one Theora packet per frame, so this is pretty
straightforward if we're not trying to maintain sync
with other multiplexed streams.
the videobuf_ready flag is used to maintain the input
buffer in the libogg stream state. If there's no output
frame available at the end of the decode step, we must
need more input data. We could simplify this by just
using the return code on ogg_page_packetout(), but the
flag system extends easily to the case were you care
about more than one multiplexed stream (like with audio
playback). In that case, just maintain a flag for each
decoder you care about, and pull data when any one of
them stalls.
//single frame video buffering
bool videobuf_ready = false;
ogg_int64_t videobuf_granulepos = -1;
double videobuf_time = 0; //holds the presentation time of the currently buffered video frame. We ignore this value.
while (!videobuf_ready)
//theora is one in, one out...
if (ogg_stream_packetout(&iOggStreamState, &iOggPacket) > 0)
theora_decode_packetin(&iTheoraDecoderState, &iOggPacket);
videobuf_granulepos = iTheoraDecoderState.granulepos;
videobuf_time = theora_granule_time(&iTheoraDecoderState, videobuf_granulepos);
videobuf_ready = true;
// TODO: handle end of file
if (!videobuf_ready && (iVideoFile->getPos() == iVideoFile->getSize()))
if (iIsLooped)
return false;
if (!videobuf_ready)
//no data yet for somebody. Grab another page
while(ogg_sync_pageout(&iOggSyncState, &iOggPage) > 0)
return videobuf_ready;
void CTheoraPlayer::UpdateTexture()
if (!iImage)
// try to lock texture
irr::u8* const textureData = (irr::u8*) iTexture->lock();
if (!textureData)
const irr::core::dimension2du& textureSize = iTexture->getSize();
iImage->copyToScaling(textureData, textureSize.Width, textureSize.Height, iTexture->getColorFormat(), iTexture->getPitch());
void CTheoraPlayer::UpdateBuffer()
if (iImage == NULL)
yuv_buffer yuv;
theora_decode_YUVout(&iTheoraDecoderState, &yuv);
// const irr::core::dimension2du& imageSize = iImage->getDimension();
// _IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(imageSize.Height < yuv.y_height || imageSize.Width < yuv.y_width);
irr::u8* const bufferData = (irr::u8*)iImage->lock();
// irr::u8* yData = yuv.y;
// irr::u8* uData = yuv.u;
// irr::u8* vData = yuv.v;
const irr::u32 rowSize = iImage->getPitch();
switch (iImage->getColorFormat())
case irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8:
for (int y = 0; y < yuv.y_height; ++y)
const int xsize = yuv.y_width;
const int uvy = (y/2)*yuv.uv_stride;
const int yy = y*yuv.y_stride;
const int by = y*rowSize;
for (int x = 0; x < xsize; ++x)
const int Y = yuv.y[yy + x] - 16;
const int U = yuv.u[uvy + (x/2)] - 128;
const int V = yuv.v[uvy + (x/2)] - 128;
int R = ((298*Y + 409*V + 128)>>8);
int G = ((298*Y - 100*U - 208*V + 128)>>8);
int B = ((298*Y + 516*U + 128)>>8);
if (R < 0) R = 0; if (R > 255) R = 255;
if (G < 0) G = 0; if (G > 255) G = 255;
if (B < 0) B = 0; if (B > 255) B = 255;
bufferData[by + x*4 + 0] = B;
bufferData[by + x*4 + 1] = G;
bufferData[by + x*4 + 2] = R;
bufferData[by + x*4 + 3] = 0xFF;
case irr::video::ECF_R8G8B8:
for (int y = 0; y < yuv.y_height; ++y)
const int xsize = yuv.y_width;
const int uvy = (y/2)*yuv.uv_stride;
const int yy = y*yuv.y_stride;
const int by = y*rowSize;
for (int x = 0; x < xsize; ++x)
const int Y = yuv.y[yy + x] - 16;
const int U = yuv.u[uvy + (x/2)] - 128;
const int V = yuv.v[uvy + (x/2)] - 128;
int R = ((298*Y + 409*V + 128)>>8);
int G = ((298*Y - 100*U - 208*V + 128)>>8);
int B = ((298*Y + 516*U + 128)>>8);
if (R < 0) R = 0; if (R > 255) R = 255;
if (G < 0) G = 0; if (G > 255) G = 255;
if (B < 0) B = 0; if (B > 255) B = 255;
bufferData[by + x*3 + 0] = B;
bufferData[by + x*3 + 1] = G;
bufferData[by + x*3 + 2] = R;
//! helper: push a page into the steam for packetization
void CTheoraPlayer::queue_page(ogg_page *page)
if (iTheoraPacketsCount)
ogg_stream_pagein(&iOggStreamState, &iOggPage);
//! Helper; just grab some more compressed bitstream and sync it for page extraction
int CTheoraPlayer::buffer_data()
char* const buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(&iOggSyncState, 4096);
const int bytes_read = iVideoFile->read(buffer, 4096);
ogg_sync_wrote(&iOggSyncState, bytes_read);
return bytes_read;
well, here's a gathered version of the old code + your new stuff.
Re: Theora player using Irrlicht
is there a easy to get sound working with this ? have a few other versions too that could use sound.
Live long and phosphor!
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