I recently decided to switch my project over to irrOde and I have a couple of questions.
When dealing with static geometry I don't need a CIrrOdeBody, right? Is it only needed for dynamic objects? Because when I add a body to static geometry it starts falling due to gravity. Hence I simply create a CIrrOdeGeomTrimesh. (I deal with physics in code, not in irrEdit) Now, how can I specify which mesh to use for creating the physics objects? I'd like to have one mesh for rendering and one for physics.
Another question is this: I create a CIrrOdeGeomRay but it seems it doesn't collide with any static geometry I have created (using Trimesh, no CIrrOdeBody). It only collides with spheres I create (these have bodies). So I gather that rays only detect bodies, not geoms? So how can static geometry have bodies when they need to be static and not move around.
Thanks in advance. I really like irrODE