[fixed]CIrrMeshWriter or CIrrMeshFileLoader bug.

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[fixed]CIrrMeshWriter or CIrrMeshFileLoader bug.

Post by shine5128 »

NOTE: my English is very bad :)

ok, i use the code: ( load OBJ file )

Code: Select all

	node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode( smgr->getMesh( "../Media/Map/sponza_clean.obj" ) );
	node->setMaterialFlag( EMF_LIGHTING, false );
Final results:

now, i use the code convertion OBJ to IRRMESH:

Code: Select all

	IWriteFile *wf = device->getFileSystem()->createAndWriteFile( "../Media/Map/sponza_clean.irrmesh" );
	smgr->createMeshWriter( EMWT_IRR_MESH )->writeMesh( wf, smgr->getMesh( "../Media/Map/sponza_clean.obj" ), EMWT_IRR_MESH );

then, i use the code: ( load IRRMESH file )

Code: Select all

	node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode( smgr->getMesh( "../Media/Map/sponza_clean.irrmesh" ) );
	node->setMaterialFlag( EMF_LIGHTING, false );
Final results:

We have seen, the color wrong.
But I found a solution.

at CIrrMeshWriter.cpp line 186:

Code: Select all

sprintf(tmp, " %02x%02x%02x%02x ", vtx[j].Color.getAlpha(), vtx[j].Color.getRed(), vtx[j].Color.getBlue(), vtx[j].Color.getGreen());
Change to:

Code: Select all

sprintf(tmp, " %02x%02x%02x%02x ", vtx[j].Color.getAlpha(), vtx[j].Color.getRed(), vtx[j].Color.getGreen(), vtx[j].Color.getBlue());
Solve the problem! :D
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Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Ok, thanks, that's fixed now.
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