School Sucks!

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Post by Kristian »

If you release globaly, you better make sure you can provide the required support.

But what if the programmer had taken Italian in Highschool (wich is possible in at least one Highshool around here)?
I'm not saying that a broad knowledge is bad, quite the opposide. It's always good to know as much as possible, because you never know when it might come in handy. All I'm saying is that the broad knowledge should be available to everyone, not just to an elite few that can afford it or qualify for a scholarship (and thus probably have a broad knowledgebase already).

Also, languages are a bad example in my opinion because they require quite an amount of work and therefore it's pretty unlikely that someone knows more than 3 (at least good enough to fluently communicate). However, if you take history, politics, art etc. its easier to get a broad knowledge in those fields.
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Post by Kande »

Well, that example with the italian lady is really not a good one. Think about you work in a corporation where noone speaks japanese :shock: and the boss of the japanese publisher calls you and unfortunately nobody in the firm knows japanese. Or what if somebody from anywhere else calls and only talks in kisuaheli.
Languages can only be something that goes with the subject you really want to work in. To cover everything is impossible and it would take ages to make the students get out of the university on the labour market, just because the uni had to cover every little thing that can be learned in the world. Me for example i can talk german because i live most of the time here, turkish, because turkey is the country my parents come from but then i talk english (learned most of it in school, the rest volunteered) and italian a little bit. But italian i learn because i want to learn it, not because i am forced to learn it. The main language for a programmer should be c++ or something like this because you cant make a computer work with italian.

By the way, i started to recognize how important knowledge is when i started to work after the german Realschule. School is so much better than working in a chemical industry where you always carry a gas mask with you. I started to make my University qualification, studied and now i work behind a PC Screen, isnt that much better? :D
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Post by TheHitchhiker »

that's ok but how about LATIN? We learn it in Highschools in Serbia. Is that handy too?
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Post by Robomaniac »

hell yes :)

Latin makes english 100% easier + better, more vocab, etc
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Post by bal »

I'm also studying Latin. It helps you with vocabulary, memory work and mostly you'll also remark that things from your mother language (things you have to "feel") are easier because you already know them from Latin. I'm in 3rd year now, in Belgian terms. Here "school" starts at the age of 3-4.

4 years (old): 1st year "toddler" (young child)
5 years: 2nd year
6 years: 3rd year

7 years: 1st year basic school (primary school is the correct word I think :))
12 years: 6th year basic school

13 years: 1st year secondary school (now you can choose what direction you want to go to (Latin, sciences, economy = global education /technical etc)
18 years: 6th year secondary school
18+: you can start working or study at university

School is from the 1st September 'till 30 June, including some holidays. Then we got 2 (!) months of vacation (July-August) and start again 1 september. I think there aren't many countries with 2 months vacation + about 6 weeks during the schoolyear + extra days).

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Post by Tyn »

Really? We go like this:

Infant school

Year 1 - Around 5-6
Year 2 - Around 6-7
Year 3 - Around 7-8

Junior school

Year 4 - 8-9
Year 5 - 9-10
Year 6 - 10-11

Secondary School

Year 7 - 11-12
Year 8 - 12-13
Year 9 - 13-14
Year 10 - 14-15
Year 11 - 15-16

Then out into the world to either get a job, become a chav, go to college, whatever. Bit different from your country, eh? It's not a nice system, it totally throws people out on their ears at 16 and they only get in trouble, hence the anti social behaviour problem we have here. Believe me, it is much better to stay on until 18, maybe you are a little quick to say school is crap :)
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Post by yjlchina »

things get even worse in china
comparatively you are a lucky man , believe me :)

i`m also a software engineering student
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Post by Masdus »

Here in Australia the system works as follows

Infants School
Kindergarden 5-6
Year 1 6-7
Year 2 7-8

Primary School
Year 3 8-9
Year 4 9-10
Year 5 10-11
Year 6 11-12

High School
Year 7 12-13
Year 8 13-14
Year 9 14-15
Year 10 15-16 (End of compulsory schooling)
Year 11 16-17
Year 12 17-18

Then on to university. Once Year 10 was as far as most people went with school. In theory years 11 and 12 are only useful for those intending to study at university. However it seem to be more common for kids to stay on and complete year 12

In terms of holidays i think we get 12 weeks total, 6 weeks over christmas and two weeks at the end of the other terms.
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Post by Tyn »

Sounds like our systems are almost identical, just we start the numbering of years in the pre-school year, or what you call kindergarden.

Strange that, does Australia have the same sort of anti-social behaviour problems as we are having? It's basically 16-17 year olds fresh out of school who can't be arsed to work so they go around mugging people, graffiting everywhere and burning everything.

Oh yeah, on this quote:
"the boss of the japanese publisher calls you and unfortunately nobody in the firm knows japanese"

Over here we would refuse to speak to them unless they spoke English, maybe pig headed but I'd expect someone ringing me to speak my language in the same way I wouldn't ring someone in Japan and expect them to speak English ( I would email ahead and speak to someone who can speak my language :) )
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Post by xhrit »

'education' is what they call it if it agrees with them. 'Propaganda' is what they call it if it doesn't agree with them.

School sucks because it is a mouthpiece for the administration and their corporate interests. Here, we learn that capitalism is the only right way ov thinking. we learn about how every major invention ever was made by an American. we learn that Christopher Columbus discovered the world. We learn that the pilgrims enriched the 'injuns' with nothing but happy peace. We learn that America is the best country ever, and it has the most powerful military in the world, and has never lost a war.

School just sucks.

'Anti-social behaviour problems' arise when the social order is fuxxor, and when 'school' has not brainwashed (sorry, 'educated') the people enough to accept it.

Has anyone ever thought that the people are right to be anti-social?
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Post by Masdus »

in my city we don't seem to have too much trouble with anti-social 16-17 year olds. There are always a few making trouble but it doesn't seem to be out of control. The biggest problem for my city is anit-social behavoir from 18-25 year olds around the pub, clubs and night spots.
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