SViewFrustum functions

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SViewFrustum functions

Post by slavik262 »

SViewFrustum has functions such as getFarLeftUp, getFarLeftDown, etc.

Why doesn't it contain corresponding functions for the near clip plane, such as getNearLeftUp, getNearLeftDown, etc.?

I'm writing them in myself at the moment (I need them for some shader work I'm doing), but it would be nice not to have to copy the code into the file every time I download a new version of Irrlicht. Could these be put in? It's a simple 5 minute job.
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Post by slavik262 »

Devs? On a related note, how would one submit patches to Irrlicht?
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Post by CuteAlien »

I suppose adding those would make sense, but then again I don't know why they didn't get added together with the others already. I guess Hybrid knows more about that class (he's in holiday right now, will be back soon).

Please post patches on the patch-tracker: ... tid=540678
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Post by REDDemon »

what about implementing a debug frustum view??

i mean

1) set up the standard view and rendering nodes wich are in it. (so any application that ask for the frustum view such an octree manager will get data about frustum that are not the same)

2) fly over the frustum with the activedebug camera and see if everything is culled correctly.

so the used frustum is not the same of the activedebug camera frustum.

something like:

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#ifdef _DEBUG
bool debug

#ifdef _DEBUG
    return debugfrustum;
return frustum;
:) strange idea but someone may find it nice xD
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Post by Mel »

Implementing those functions is actually pretty easy and straight, SViewFrustum has the 6 planes defined, so you have to test intersections between the side and NEAR planes to get the corresponding points close to the camera point. That is how it is done to get the far planes. I have made use of those sometimes, so it would be a nice addition. For the some LiSPSM algorithms those points are needed, they provide more accurate results than using just the camera point.
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Post by hybrid »

I don't know why they don't exist, but adding them for 1.8 won't hurt for sure.
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