I am developing a game in dutch but i want to make a english version out of it, but i dont know how to spell some things in english, i tried the google translator but no result and i am hoping to get some help from some dutch users here(if there is any).
Here are the things i want to translate :
Omtrek sommen
oppervlakte sommen
om deze sommen te maken
Hmm... Google Translator recognizes these as being Netherlands` words, not Dutch. I get this, which seems ok to me:
Outline list
surface sums
these sums to
BUT I don`t really get how are you going to release a game in english, when you`re not that comfortable with it. Option is to creae it in your own language and find someone to translate it for you. I assume you have your game ready and this is the last thing you need to do?!
"Although we walk on the ground and step in the mud... our dreams and endeavors reach the immense skies..."
translation can be tricky though, because most people try to go word-for-word and then you get the saying "lost in translation"
best way it to describe what the thing is and translate the meaning not the word.
It's even more fun if you do a translation circle and see what comes out when you get back to the original language. This is what comes out after translating
dutch -> english -> french -> german -> english
They receive l' Entrance and sommen the surface, in order to make