Loading an entire file into a string?

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Loading an entire file into a string?

Post by 3DModelerMan »

I want to load the contents of an entire text file into an irr::core::stringc. I'm integrating LUA right now, and I want to be able to load scripts from inside of .zip files that have been added to the Irrlicht file system. So I need a way to load LUA scripts from Irrlicht.
That would be illogical captain...

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Post by christianclavet »

You could use this (taken from IRR RPG)

Code: Select all

stringc newScript = "";
				stringc filename = "../media/scripts/";
				filename += scriptname;
				std::string line;
				ifstream fileScript (filename.c_str());
				if (fileScript.is_open())
					while (! fileScript.eof() )
						getline (fileScript,line);
						newScript += line.c_str();
						newScript += '\n';
I'm using this to preload the script in the editor. Then newScript can be used with LUA.
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Post by 3DModelerMan »

Yeah, but that uses std::ifstream, I need to use the Irrlicht file system so I can load from zip files.
That would be illogical captain...

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Post by slavik262 »

Use malloc or calloc to create a char buffer of size (file length + 1) with a null terminator, read the file into the buffer, create your sringc from the buffer, and free the buffer.
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Post by pippy3 »

Irrlicht already has a XML phaser. Simply create a script class extended from IAttributeExchangingObject, then write in the deserializeAttributes/ serializeAttributes functions. You can then add an out->addString ("Script", scriptChar);. or similar.

You can then ask the file stream to serialize / deserialize the Lua script.

It's important to not recode everything when you run into a problem.
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