Here's my previous post about the error I get when loading a hand-crafted font.
I've dig into the font-loading of Irrlicht, and everything looked all right.
The solution was to add the correct tabs and double newline-characters:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<font type="bitmap">
<Texture index="0" filename="base.png" hasAlpha="true" />
<c c=" " r="5, 0, 46, 51" />
<c c="!" r="56, 0, 97, 51" />
<c c=""" r="107, 0, 148, 51" />
<c c="#" r="158, 0, 199, 51" />
<c c="$" r="209, 0, 250, 51" />
<c c="%" r="260, 0, 301, 51" />
<c c="&" r="311, 0, 352, 51" />
<c c="'" r="362, 0, 403, 51" />
<c c="(" r="413, 0, 454, 51" />
<c c=")" r="464, 0, 505, 51" />
<c c="*" r="5, 51, 46, 102" />
<c c="+" r="56, 51, 97, 102" />
<c c="," r="107, 51, 148, 102" />
<c c="-" r="158, 51, 199, 102" />
<c c="." r="209, 51, 250, 102" />
<c c="/" r="260, 51, 301, 102" />
<c c="0" r="311, 51, 352, 102" />
<c c="1" r="362, 51, 403, 102" />
<c c="2" r="413, 51, 454, 102" />
<c c="3" r="464, 51, 505, 102" />
<c c="4" r="5, 102, 46, 153" />
<c c="5" r="56, 102, 97, 153" />
<c c="6" r="107, 102, 148, 153" />
<c c="7" r="158, 102, 199, 153" />
<c c="8" r="209, 102, 250, 153" />
<c c="9" r="260, 102, 301, 153" />
<c c=":" r="311, 102, 352, 153" />
<c c=";" r="362, 102, 403, 153" />
<c c="<" r="413, 102, 454, 153" />
<c c="=" r="464, 102, 505, 153" />
<c c=">" r="5, 153, 46, 204" />
<c c="?" r="56, 153, 97, 204" />
<c c="@" r="107, 153, 148, 204" />
<c c="A" r="158, 153, 199, 204" />
<c c="B" r="209, 153, 250, 204" />
<c c="C" r="260, 153, 301, 204" />
<c c="D" r="311, 153, 352, 204" />
<c c="E" r="362, 153, 403, 204" />
<c c="F" r="413, 153, 454, 204" />
<c c="G" r="464, 153, 505, 204" />
<c c="H" r="5, 204, 46, 255" />
<c c="I" r="56, 204, 97, 255" />
<c c="J" r="107, 204, 148, 255" />
<c c="K" r="158, 204, 199, 255" />
<c c="L" r="209, 204, 250, 255" />
<c c="M" r="260, 204, 301, 255" />
<c c="N" r="311, 204, 352, 255" />
<c c="O" r="362, 204, 403, 255" />
<c c="P" r="413, 204, 454, 255" />
<c c="Q" r="464, 204, 505, 255" />
<c c="R" r="5, 255, 46, 306" />
<c c="S" r="56, 255, 97, 306" />
<c c="T" r="107, 255, 148, 306" />
<c c="U" r="158, 255, 199, 306" />
<c c="V" r="209, 255, 250, 306" />
<c c="W" r="260, 255, 301, 306" />
<c c="X" r="311, 255, 352, 306" />
<c c="Y" r="362, 255, 403, 306" />
<c c="Z" r="413, 255, 454, 306" />
<c c="[" r="464, 255, 505, 306" />
<c c="\" r="5, 306, 46, 357" />
<c c="]" r="56, 306, 97, 357" />
<c c="^" r="107, 306, 148, 357" />
<c c="_" r="158, 306, 199, 357" />
<c c="`" r="209, 306, 250, 357" />
<c c="a" r="260, 306, 301, 357" />
<c c="b" r="311, 306, 352, 357" />
<c c="c" r="362, 306, 403, 357" />
<c c="d" r="413, 306, 454, 357" />
<c c="e" r="464, 306, 505, 357" />
<c c="f" r="5, 357, 46, 408" />
<c c="g" r="56, 357, 97, 408" />
<c c="h" r="107, 357, 148, 408" />
<c c="i" r="158, 357, 199, 408" />
<c c="j" r="209, 357, 250, 408" />
<c c="k" r="260, 357, 301, 408" />
<c c="l" r="311, 357, 352, 408" />
<c c="m" r="362, 357, 403, 408" />
<c c="n" r="413, 357, 454, 408" />
<c c="o" r="464, 357, 505, 408" />
<c c="p" r="5, 408, 46, 459" />
<c c="q" r="56, 408, 97, 459" />
<c c="r" r="107, 408, 148, 459" />
<c c="s" r="158, 408, 199, 459" />
<c c="t" r="209, 408, 250, 459" />
<c c="u" r="260, 408, 301, 459" />
<c c="v" r="311, 408, 352, 459" />
<c c="w" r="362, 408, 403, 459" />
<c c="x" r="413, 408, 454, 459" />
<c c="y" r="464, 408, 505, 459" />
<c c="z" r="5, 459, 46, 510" />
<c c="{" r="56, 459, 97, 510" />
<c c="|" r="107, 459, 148, 510" />
<c c="}" r="158, 459, 199, 510" />
<c c="~" r="209, 459, 250, 510" />
Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char fname[80] = "noname.xml";
char imgname[80] = "noname.png";
cout << "Output file name: ";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Image file name: ";
cin >> imgname;
int startcn, endcn, mapx, mapy, letterx, lettery, cutx, cuty;
cout << "Start char num: ";
cin >> startcn;
cout << "End char num: ";
cin >> endcn;
cout << "Map size x: ";
cin >> mapx;
cout << "Map size y: ";
cin >> mapy;
cout << "Letter size x: ";
cin >> letterx;
cout << "Letter size y: ";
cin >> lettery;
cout << "Cut x: ";
cin >> cutx;
cout << "Cut y: ";
cin >> cuty;
ofstream fout;;
fout << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n";
fout << "<font type=\"bitmap\">\n\n";
fout << "\t<Texture index=\"0\" filename=\"" << imgname << "\" hasAlpha=\"true\" />\n\n";
char curc = startcn;
bool quit = false;
for (int j = 0; j < int(mapy / lettery); ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < int(mapx / letterx); ++i)
int sx, sy, ex, ey;
sx = (i * letterx) + cutx;
sy = (j * lettery) + cuty;
ex = ((i + 1) * letterx) - cutx;
ey = ((j + 1) * lettery) - cuty;
//<c c=" " r="0, 0, 5, 14"/>
fout << "\t<c c=\"";
switch (curc)
case 34: fout << """; break;
case 38: fout << "&"; break;
case 60: fout << "<"; break;
case 62: fout << ">"; break;
default: fout << curc;
fout << "\" r=\"" << sx << ", " << sy << ", " << ex << ", " << ey << "\" />\n";
if (endcn > startcn && curc >= endcn) { quit = true; break; }
if (quit) break;
fout << "\n</font>";
return 0;