Lights in bsp?
Lights in bsp?
Hello, when Q3 load (bsp), it does not show the lights, and they are not seen like scrrenshot, shown in the pagina, and the shades single I see them with OpenGL, and not with DX, any answer is good...
Hey.. not a 100% t applies, but the python script I posted in the FAQ section can be used to read light data from the BSP file too. Theres a link in there to the file spec aswell. The data is in some kind of volumetric format, and I cant make sense of it at this point, but Im pretty new to programming...
Bongoman, is Python easy to learn for someone that has only programmed in visual basic 6 (and just a very little bit) ?
i did so but only in code: I mean I did not use th eVB6 interface, just code. But only a simple app for parsing text files,and stuff like that.
I read somewhere a curious article comparing vb6 and python, and the author, that actually did seem biased, said python was simpler and more powerful.
I was near to start learning, but I don't like that of the final user -or even me- having to download that net framework of x MBs.... there an easy way to generate a python application as a windows *.EXE , without the final user having to install python or anything else?
Thanks in advance...
I am just a curious person, no that I think I have the needed brains to become a programer ;D
i did so but only in code: I mean I did not use th eVB6 interface, just code. But only a simple app for parsing text files,and stuff like that.
I read somewhere a curious article comparing vb6 and python, and the author, that actually did seem biased, said python was simpler and more powerful.
I was near to start learning, but I don't like that of the final user -or even me- having to download that net framework of x MBs.... there an easy way to generate a python application as a windows *.EXE , without the final user having to install python or anything else?
Thanks in advance...
I am just a curious person, no that I think I have the needed brains to become a programer ;D
Finally making games again!
A bit OT
I think there is some kind of app that makes stand alone exe's for python programs. I havent tried it though.
I think its pretty easy to learn, there are tons of material for beginners. Im not much of a programmer either, but I am a bit surprised about how much I am able to do with python+venom+irrlicht. Ive integraded the bsp parser with YAMMOs q3 map demo so that the camera starts where I put the INFO_player_start in radiant. When I get pickups (like weapons), ladders, and maybe doors working Im going to post it.

I think there is some kind of app that makes stand alone exe's for python programs. I havent tried it though.
I think its pretty easy to learn, there are tons of material for beginners. Im not much of a programmer either, but I am a bit surprised about how much I am able to do with python+venom+irrlicht. Ive integraded the bsp parser with YAMMOs q3 map demo so that the camera starts where I put the INFO_player_start in radiant. When I get pickups (like weapons), ladders, and maybe doors working Im going to post it.
python is usu interpreted at runtime, no .exe so user must have python installation to run a python program. I know little about python though, so there amy be some way to make a .exe
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.
Crucible of Stars
Crucible of Stars
thanks, a friend told me some posible ways to make EXEs...
I may start learning it, but months later.
I may start learning it, but months later.
Finally making games again!
Yeah, the program bundles the byte code with a sort of mini runtime engine and wraps it in a executable. Its not a "real" binary exe so it wont do anything for the execution speed, but it simplifies distribution on windows. (And to linux users, installing python is'nt as scary.)
But I cant seem to remember what its called though...
But I cant seem to remember what its called though...
I made many attempts - this was a big problem for me. Hehecleric wrote:hmm.. when if load a quake3 map which has precompiled lights in it, i see them.. i have another problem, maybe somebody can help.. if i add lights with irrlicht into my quake map, the irrlicht-lights dont seem to lighten the quake map.. any ideas?

I got quake bsp lights with irrlicht lights together. The good advantage is that lightight of models is changing when models are moving!
What is the technique? - You must set for each material of bsptree two things - lighting = true and diffuse collor of material.