error LNK2019: "public: static class irr::gui::CGUITTFont * __cdecl irr::gui::CGUITTFont::createTTFont(class irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment *,class irr::core::string<wchar_t,class irr::core::irrAllocator<wchar_t> > const &,unsigned int)" (?createTTFont@CGUITTFont@gui@irr@@SAPAV123@PAVIGUIEnvironment@23@ABV?$string@_WV?$irrAllocator@_W@core@irr@@@core@3@I@Z), test3.obj test3
1. I has success in compile the freetype-2.4.4;
2. I has success in Re-compile in rrlicht-1.7.1\examples\IMETest sample(binding my new successfull freetype lib),and run fine;
3. My compiler is (VS2008) and environment was configed which rrlicht tutorials are recommand. and I was try and success some tutorials case;
4. Engine is irrlicht-1.7.2.
My test project cpp code follow(very simple):
Code: Select all
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <CGUITTFont.h>
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "driverChoice.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "freetype244MT_D.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole();
if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT) return 1;
IrrlichtDevice *Device;
Device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<u32>(640, 480));
if(Device == NULL) return 1;
IVideoDriver *Driver = Device->getVideoDriver();
IGUIEnvironment* env = Device->getGUIEnvironment();
CGUITTFont* tt_font = gui::CGUITTFont::createTTFont(Device->getGUIEnvironment(), "simsun.ttc", 14);
return 0;