The precompiled libraries, that are put in the "windows" package, can only be used with bullet 2.77. Otherwise you need to compile your own libraries.
As you can see Here, only "> Pre-Compiled Bullet 2.77 Windows Libraries" are present.
Try to download the lastest version of bullet (2.77) or to recompile the bullet libraries (I reccomend you to download the lastest version of bullet that contains a lot of bug fixes)
Zurzaza I think I will not be using your wrapper in my project, not because its bad, but because it adds a bit too much complexity(maybe not the right word here) to my framework.
What I mean that this wrapper as any other wrapper adds another layer on top, and makes it a bit harder to use in my project, simply because it still doesn't have some functionality that I need, so I have to access it the real bullet stuff through functions and do the job there, etc. And also dealing with bullet it self is fun
Would you mind if I use some of your code as a base to my own physics manager?
serengeor wrote:Zurzaza I think I will not be using your wrapper in my project, not because its bad, but because it adds a bit too much complexity(maybe not the right word here) to my framework.
What I mean that this wrapper as any other wrapper adds another layer on top, and makes it a bit harder to use in my project, simply because it still doesn't have some functionality that I need, so I have to access it the real bullet stuff through functions and do the job there, etc. And also dealing with bullet it self is fun
Would you mind if I use some of your code as a base to my own physics manager?
Hi serengeor, i really appreciate your help in my project, and I respect your choice. Of course, you can use some of my code in your project, at only one condition: you have to respect the distribution license (Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA).
Another question, what functions do you need to use, that aren't included in irrBP?
Zurzaza wrote: Of course, you can use some of my code in your project, at only one condition: you have to respect the distribution license (Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA).
Oh well I'll work it out on my own then.
Zurzaza wrote:
Another question, what functions do you need to use, that aren't included in irrBP?
It's mostly not the missing functions that bother me, but the second layer, as I have already another layer for game objects. And working directly with bullet gives me all the access I need
Does anybody have a idea how I could implement a simple function like bool OnGround() using IrrBP? I know how to do it with the default Irrlicht collision manager (shoot a ray from character base position to -10 by Y axis from character base position - if collided, then the char is on ground).
And I answer myself. It's quite easy, actually.
panto wrote:Does anybody have a idea how I could implement a simple function like bool OnGround() using IrrBP? I know how to do it with the default Irrlicht collision manager (shoot a ray from character base position to -10 by Y axis from character base position - if collided, then the char is on ground).
And I answer myself. It's quite easy, actually.
Last night, i uploaded the lastest version of irrBP.
New Features:
> Multithreaded Bullet (Bullet has some leaks [about 300-400 bytes] when using multithread, sorry but i can't solve them)
> Lot of bug fixes
> Camera Scene Node (Beta)
> Source code more clean