Proper sliding character mechanics[ADVANCED, NOT CUT&&am

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Proper sliding character mechanics[ADVANCED, NOT CUT&&am

Post by ChaiRuiPeng »

okay so you can use this code to "vector" your vectors according to a hit surface normal.

it is up to you to:

get the hit surface normal.
determing which vectors you want to vector (e.g. force, linear velocity)

this transforms the vector

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//! Trasnforms a vector like velocity or force and transforms it along a surface
//! Needs the hit normal of the surface (or the total average normal for multiple surfaces)
//! And the vector to "vector" along the surface
/// n normal
/// v vector
btVector3 CPlayerCenter::vectorAlongSurface( const btVector3& v, const btVector3& n )

    /// Switch the normal, something weird is going on
    //! This might be bullet specific
    btVector3 nn(n);//.getZ(), n.getY(), n.getX());

    btScalar angle(ITetraVectorMath::getAngle(v, nn));

    printf("%f deg\n", angle);

    // Return a null vector because the opposing force is nearly driving straight against the surface
    // the rest of the algorithm will fail with near 180 degree values
    if(angle <= 180.0 && angle >= 179.0 )

        return btVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0);

    if( angle <= 90.0 )
        // Return an unaltered direction, the force is going away from the surface
        btVector3 f(v);
        return f.normalize();

    const btVector3 cross(ITetraVectorMath::crossProduct(v, nn));

    // Rotate by 90, giving a perp. vector to the surface
    btScalar h(90.0*core::DEGTORAD);

    btScalar inner(
        (v.getX() * nn.getX()) +
        (v.getY() * nn.getY()) +
        (v.getZ() * nn.getZ())

// rotating vector n around cross
    //btVector3 final = (cos(h))*v + ( (1 - cos(h)) * inner * nn ) + (sin(h)*(cross));

    btVector3 final = (cos(h))*nn + ( (1 - cos(h)) * inner * cross ) + (sin(h)*(cross));

    // Normalize it because it should only indicate the _new_ direction

    //printf("%f, %f, %f\n", final.getX(), final.getY(), final.getZ());

    return final;


here is the snippet for the cross product and angle between two vectors

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namespace tetra

class ITetraVectorMath


    static btVector3 crossProduct( const btVector3& a, const btVector3& b )

        btScalar x((a.getY()*b.getZ()) - (a.getZ()*b.getY()));
        btScalar y((a.getZ()*b.getX()) - (a.getX()*b.getZ()));
        btScalar z((a.getX()*b.getY()) - (a.getY()*b.getX()));

        btVector3 c(x, y, z);

        return c;


    static btScalar getAngle( const btVector3& a, const btVector3& b )

        btScalar dot( (a.getX()*b.getX()) + (a.getY()*b.getY()) + (a.getZ()*b.getZ()) );

        //printf("%f, %f\n", a.length(), b.length());

        return ( acos( dot/( a.length() * b.length() )))*irr::core::RADTODEG;



again you might need to change a few variables to fit it into your whatever. but there it is. so do what you may.


after you vector your vectors you can take the cos() of the angle and use that to apply things like slope friction/difficulty, making a threshold for where some slope angles reduce your ability to climb in that direction.

EDITEDIT: :shock: the title got cut off... hehe it says "not cut&&paste simple"
ent1ty wrote: success is a matter of concentration and desire
Butler Lampson wrote: all problems in Computer Science can be solved by another level of indirection
at a cost measure in computer resources ;)
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