The Body Stretcher.....
Tomorrow Arteria3d launch the ultimate dungeon construction pack. For many years Arteria have designed and released dungeon packs, each one providing the ultimate dungeon experience, and perfection in sight, the new pack hopefully delivers the ultimate construction set with a large collection of props for many game styles, whether medieval or modern(think hp lovecraft etc)
As a prelaunch to the pack, Arteria has provided the following prop FREE to all forum users - and can be used royalty free!
Visit Product Page to download prop:
http://arteria3d.corecommerce.com/Dunge ... -Prop.html
Out of interest, would a prop page full of single 3d items be useful priced at perhaps a $1 or so each? Any comments will be welcome, and further aid in providing information to better serve the community
Steve, Arteria3d