Linux and Irrlicht!

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Linux and Irrlicht!

Post by Silver »

Hi Folks!

I am a very interested Linux-User (so i don't use Windows :twisted: )! I am searching for an engine, to make some basic game-programming-stuff and maybe learn a little bit OpenGl. On my Google-Trip i found Irrlicht. The screenshots looked very good and i realized that it is still under heavy development. I am very glad, that this engine runs under Linux, but the main plattform is still Windows. The OpenGl-Device is on my Laptop (Ati Radeon 9000) not so good than under DirectX.

So my question is: Is it a good idea to develop a game only for Linux with Irrlicht?!? I know, there is still crystal-space which has a better Linux support, but Irrlicht seems to me more sympathic :D !

Please give me your suggestions, comment and your EXPIERENCE!!!!


PS: sry for my (probably) lots of grammar mistakes!
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Post by Tequilla »

I would heaviely support development of good games for Linux! Because Linux is free and better then Windows.

That the OpenGL-device is not as goog as DirectX is because the engine is still in development. Eg dynamic lights and shadows or SetViewport() are not yet implimented in the engine. But I think Niko will implement all these things in a featured release of Irrlicht.
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Post by darkliquid »

Linux is cool, Irrlicht is cool. Do I see a similarity here? :P

Anyway, yes, I think it's feasible to create a game for Linux with Irrlicht. Besides, the engine is open source and so if something isn't in the Linux version, as poor deprived Linux users can try and add it ourselves. Thats what the spirit of open source is all about.

Irrlichts API and its object-inheritance/scene-management system is where its power lies, not neccessarily it its graphical abilities. Its excellent framework is what makes it such a good engine to work with. The graphics will evolve with time on all its supported platforms.

So go for it! - Blog, art, poetry
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Post by Mawen »

darkliquid wrote:Anyway, yes, I think it's feasible to create a game for Linux with Irrlicht. Besides, the engine is open source and so if something isn't in the Linux version, as poor deprived Linux users can try and add it ourselves. Thats what the spirit of open source is all about.
Hooray for open source and its facilitation of poverty and deprivation! :D (Which is better than the closed-source alternative, hopelessness and abandonment.)

Since someone mentioned Crystal Space as a possible alternative to consider I thought I'd also mention OGRE. (
The general buzz I've heard is that both Irrlicht's and OGRE's APIs are pretty well designed and easy to use, while CS's is somewhat difficult, although it has been around longer.
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Post by Silver »

AFAIK is ogre 3d only a 3d render!

##!Gnome2 regelt!##
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