Multiple animations of mesh triggered by keys during runtime

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Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:15 pm

Multiple animations of mesh triggered by keys during runtime

Post by brick »

I want to place a mesh on the scene, and then play separate animations of the same mesh by pressing various keys. I have modeled and animated an object in 3ds Max, and I have placed it on the scene. But (and this is really a question for someone knowledgeable in 3ds Max) is there a way to create and export multiple animations of the same mesh? And how do you suggest I go on about triggering those animations with keyboard during runtime of Irrlicht program? Maybe do something with EventReciever, similar to what was done in the tutorial about movement?
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Re: Multiple animations of mesh triggered by keys during run

Post by mongoose7 »

You will have to create only one animation as a combination of all your different animations. You then specify the start and end frame when you want to play one of the animations.

If you detect a key-stroke for a different animation you just reset the start and end. You may need a bit of own code to handle the transition, if you want it to look realistic.
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:15 pm

Re: Multiple animations of mesh triggered by keys during run

Post by brick »

Ah, that makes sense, creating a single animation track and then cutting at various frames. Thanks a lot, I will try that.
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