Cyrillic symbols in ITextSceneNode

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Cyrillic symbols in ITextSceneNode

Post by Sfortza »

Mobile game on Android.
I'm using ITextSceneNode to show players names.

Name can be written in Russian.
I get it from server, convert from Java to C++ through JNI.

As a result I get name as const char*.
ITextSceneNode requires text as wchar_t*.

To convert the text from const char* to wchar_t*
i'm using stringw

Code: Select all

Name = stringw(my_utf_char_string)
After that I pass the result string to the ITextSceneNode constructor.

Code: Select all

                                               SColor(100, 255, 255, 255), 
But Russian symbols are displayed incorrectly.
When I'm using English symbols they are displayed correctly.
Font 'font' contains cyrillic symbols.

What I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!
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Re: Cyrillic symbols in ITextSceneNode

Post by hybrid »

Probably the wrong code map. You need to create the font with the font code map you use on the target system. Or you use the unicode patches from the forum.
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Re: Cyrillic symbols in ITextSceneNode

Post by Sfortza »

Hybrid, thank you very much!
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