Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

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Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by biloon »

I recently read through Irrlicht source code, and I really like the coding style used, especially the comment style. I wonder if there are guidelines to those coding styles for me (Honestly, I would love to adopt it, because my coding pattern is somewhat radical and chaotic).

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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by Radikalizm »

biloon wrote:I recently read through Irrlicht source code, and I really like the coding style used, especially the comment style. I wonder if there are guidelines to those coding styles for me (Honestly, I would love to adopt it, because my coding pattern is somewhat radical and chaotic).

The coding style irrlicht uses is pretty much the recommended way to program in an object-oriented environment, separating the interface of a class from its implementation (with some exceptions to make the devs' lives somewhat easier, like in the ISceneNode class)
Having good knowledge of object-oriented programming and the concepts behind it should give you enough information to maintain this coding style, and I would really suggest picking up some reading material if you want to study it in somewhat more in depth (I can recommend Object-Oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer)

The commenting format used is determined by doxygen, which is the documentation application used to generate the API reference for the engine
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by hendu »

I found it ugly, mainly in the placement of {} () [] and the extra spacing inside those. I much prefer the linux kernel style with regard to those parts.

The interface/class separation is not a coding style question, IMHO.
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by Radikalizm »

hendu wrote:The interface/class separation is not a coding style question, IMHO.
You'd be amazed at how many people don't know about this ;)
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by CuteAlien »

hendu wrote:I found it ugly, mainly in the placement of {} () [] and the extra spacing inside those. I much prefer the linux kernel style with regard to those parts.
Unfortunately it's impossible to please everyone with the bracket style - you either love it or hate it :-) But the Allman style used in Irrlicht is the prevalent bracket style used in c++ coding while the one true bracket style of the Linux kernel is probably more common in c.
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by ACE247 »

Was almost about to say that linux kernel style wouldnt help you much with c++. Looks like someone beat me too it though. :) And yeah the Allman style is prob the best.
But these are just styles anyway, so go invent a new one! :D Well one that works and doesn't just look funky...
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by hendu »


I'm missing the point in how bracket placing can help in c++ :P
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by BlindSide »

Hey man there are some rules outlined in the FAQ:
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by ACE247 »

@Hendu It keeps your mind from drifting when reading code, particularly code you wrote a long time ago... ;)
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Re: Trivia: Irrlicht source's coding style

Post by martinluither »

Make sure that you start by contributing something which is comparatively small like fixing a bug. The next fact is that don’t use the STL, use the Irrlicht built in containers instead.Make sure that you don’t use special compiler extensions.
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