Goal is to have terrain that can be modified in all directions, not just lowered or raised like most games have.
It will also feature smooth terrain and different layers, like after digging in the dirt for a while you will hit a rock layer like irl.
That can of course also be mined, but using a pickaxe instead of a shovel.
Features so far:
-Diggable terrain in all directions.
-Using PolyVox to keep track of the voxels that terrain is based on.
-Triplanar texturing for textures and basic ambient and diffuse lightning.
-Texture atlas is implemented but not used atm.
-Can load heightmaps and transform into terrain, save terrain to heightmap, save/load to binary format.
-Bump mapping.
Needs to be done:
-Somehow get voxel material to shader so different textures can be rendered using texture atlas, like dirt, grass and stone.
-Fix some selection bugs.
-A lot of optimizations is needed when rebuilding the mesh, currently the whole mesh is recalculated and redrawn every time.
Screenshots : D
Cube of rock:
Statue cut out from the rock:
Now with bump map: