How to convert between Irrlicht-string to c string

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How to convert between Irrlicht-string to c string

Post by Preedak »

I need to use the string that I get from a file or user input with the GUI components of the Irrlicht engine, but I cann't figure it out on how to do it yet.

This is the example of what I want to do.
char name[40];
IGUIListBox* listbox;
FILE *fp;

I also need to get the string from the listbox back to my normal char[] string too.

It seems that the types do not match and I have to convert the variable, but I don't know how,so anyone can helpme out? Please. Thank you.
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Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:41 pm

Post by T101 »

I've looked at the IGUIListBox header file, and it uses Windows-like wide char arrays.
These are 16 bit ints instead of 8-bit ints. They also probably use UCS-16 encoding.

Provided that only English characters are used, you can just copy using something like:

unsigned char mystring[]="Hello world";
unsigned wchar_t[BIGBUFFER] listboxentry; // I'm sure you know how to allocate on the fly if necessary

listboxentry=(unsigned wchar_t)mystring;


And back in the same way.

If the encoding is different, it's not a lot of fun. You might need to use UTF-8 if it's for filenames.

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Post by arras »

from API:

template<class T>
const T* irr::core::string< T >::c_str ( ) const [inline]

Returns character string

Returns pointer to C-style zero terminated string.
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:51 pm

Post by Jedive »

#include <stdlib.h>

wcstombs(); // Converts a Unicode string to an ASCII string
mbstowcs(); // Converts an ASCII string to an Unicode string

Post by Guest »

Thank you for everyone's help. I've used the solution suggested by T101 to get my text into a listbox already. And I've seem to be able to move on with my project. Thnak you very much.
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