The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function ca

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The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function ca

Post by ulao »

I have this strange situation. I get this error "The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call." when I run my application. I know this commonly points to dll's not matching libs and what not but that just can't be in this case. I had my application working ( irrlicth 1.7.2 ) with the irrODE physics wrapper ( 2009 ). I when a head and did a back up of my source and proceed updating the irrOde to (2011). After doing so I get this error.

I figured I would revert, well I only backed up my source not the libs and dlls. So I tried to find the old files and put them in place. I did a clean and build with again, the same error. I talked to brainsaw ( irrOde author ) and he has no idea. The debug crashes at the ODE initphysiscs function. So I'm guessing its not irrlicht. The irrODE is a static lib no dll. In order to use it I must include the ode_single.dll form the ODE engine but this file has not changed since 09.

At this point I have no idea what could have cause this and having nothing left to revert to. So I'm faced fighting it. The calling convention I use is the default ( __cdecl ). the irrOde lib is also built with this calling convention and I can only assume the ode_single is as well. So I don't think that is the issue. The static lib has no dll, so its not a miss match and the ode_single.dll is just an ODE reference for the wrapper that has never changed. So what left could this mean?

small update
I went a head and built my own new ODE_single.dll and the environment is in fact the same calling convention. My new dll did not fix anything.

Figured I'd also include some code.

This is the line I crash on

Code: Select all

void initPhys (){ CIrrOdeManager::getSharedInstance()->initPhysics();}
this is the lib function that gets called.

Code: Select all

void CIrrOdeManager::initPhysics() {
  list<CIrrOdeWorld *>::Iterator itw;
  for (itw=m_lWorlds.begin(); itw!=m_lWorlds.end(); itw++)
  core::list<irr::ode::IIrrOdeStepMotor *>::Iterator it;
  for (it=m_lStepMotors.begin(); it!=m_lStepMotors.end(); it++) (*it)->initPhysics();
Call stack

Code: Select all

Metroid64.exe!irr::ode::CIrrOdeGeomBox::initPhysics()  + 0x158 bytes    
        Metroid64.exe!irr::ode::CIrrOdeBody::initPhysics()  + 0x4f7 bytes       
        Metroid64.exe!irr::ode::CIrrOdeWorld::initPhysics()  + 0x503 bytes      
        Metroid64.exe!irr::ode::CIrrOdeManager::initPhysics()  + 0xb0 bytes     
>       Metroid64.exe!CPhysManager::initPhys()  Line 26 + 0x2f bytes    C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGamePlayState::loadMap(CGameManager * pManager=0x0012fcec, const char * map=0x005a6a50, irr::core::vector3d<float> mapPosition={...}, irr::core::vector3d<float> camPosition={...})  Line 227    C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGamePlayState::loadMap(CGameManager * pManager=0x0012fcec, const char * map=0x005a6a50)  Line 117        C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGameStateLevel01::Init(CGameManager * pManager=0x0012fcec)  Line 60      C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGameManager::ChangeState(CGameState * pState=0x005db8f8)  Line 88 + 0x18 bytes   C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGameState::ChangeState(CGameManager * pManager=0x0012fcec, CGameState * pState=0x005db8f8)  Line 51      C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGameStateLoad01::Update(CGameManager * pManager=0x0012fcec)  Line 70     C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGameManager::Update()  Line 101 + 0x19 bytes     C++
        Metroid64.exe!CGame::run()  Line 27     C++
        Metroid64.exe!main()  Line 24   C++
        Metroid64.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 582 + 0x19 bytes        C
        Metroid64.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 399        C
        [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]      
        Metroid64.exe!irr::ode::CIrrOdeDevice::CIrrOdeDevice()  + 0xf7 bytes    
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Re: The value of ESP was not properly saved across a functio

Post by REDDemon »

already tried a complete recompile of all the libraries? I got blue screens in past for an out-to date dll. In this cases is much help using a single compile target for all your libraries (so that you are sure that everything is correctly compiled with 1 click.. I also had problems with my IDE wich was not compiling some new files and I had to clean from object files and recompile everything from 0).
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Re: The value of ESP was not properly saved across a functio

Post by ulao »

yeah I recompiled from ODE to Irrlicht. This one is continuously beating me. I'm pretty sure its the irrOde wrapper at this point.
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Re: The value of ESP was not properly saved across a functio

Post by bitplane »

You'll see problems like this if your includes, libs and dlls don't match up. You probably have an old DLL knocking around in your search path
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Re: The value of ESP was not properly saved across a functio

Post by ulao »

was dirty source file I guess. The author re-uploaded the source and I did a rebuild on the lib. Now it works.
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