Aparent 2D position of a directional light.

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Aparent 2D position of a directional light.

Post by Mel »

This code projects the aparent 2D position of a directional light, so you can know the center of a lens flare simulating the sun, for instance. You need the light direction, and it will provide the result as a vector 2D in which the visible space is in the range (0,1), so, you can, after, multiply it by the screen resolution to find the proper place in screen space.

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core::vector2df projectVectorTo2DCoordinates(core::vector3df v,scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam){
core::matrix viewProjection;
core::vector3df ligthDir,viewDir;
core::vector2df screenPos;
f32 vect[4];
viewDir = cam->getTarget()-cam->getAbsolutePosition();
lightDir = v;
viewProjection = cam->getProjectionMatrix();
viewProjection *= core::matrix4().buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(core::vector3df(0,0,0),viewDir,cam->getUpVector()); 
//use RH if needed, instead, it must match the projection matrix of the camera, though...
screenPos.X = vect[0]/vect[3];
screenPos.Y = -vect[1]/vect[3];
screenPos = 2*screenPos - core::vector2df(1,1);
return screenPos;
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
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