Still very new to all this, and had a good look around but I can't find anyone with the same issue.
As you can see below, my textures appear to have a green outline, sometimes black.. At first I thought it may of been a EMF_WIREFRAME flag set, but it's not the case. What is curious is the same issue actually appears with EMF_WIREFRAME.
The screenies aren't great but I assure you the green lines are there...
Looks like the mesh combiner doesn't create the texture properly.
OT: it looks like you have your own editor for that. If so, why have individual blocks at all? Your editor should be able to merge all blocks with the same texture to one mesh, a much simpler operation without the risk of mipmap issues like those.
@hendu Um not quite, we are currently converting a 10 year old 2d game. All tiles are individually sent to the client. What you currently see are very early trials. We do plan on merging the meshes eventually.
For the curious ones. here are some screenshots of the original game....
Basically the host sends the tile information as a 6x6 block.
On another note, we were considering using EMF_GOURAUD_SHADING, but as you can see, the tiles seem to be transparent to light. How can we address this?
Looks like a mipmapping issue. The mesh combiner indeed combines the meshes, and generates a new texture, but the texture sampling near the borders starts to read from the adjacent textures in the atlas, You should try, in that case, to avoid sampling the lower levels of the texture. That can be done through shaders, or disabling the mip mapping.
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt