At least not with full flexibility, using the unaltered engine. You have only two texcoords *or* tangent data in the vertex info. You'd also have to create a new material using the parallax shader with a lightmap base material. At least that's what I assume. But it's probably easier to just use the 2tcoords material and do the tangent calculation and the mixing of lightmap and parallax fragment in your own shader.
Wenn ich in DeleD CE eine Map mit Lightmaps Mache und vom Mesh dann in Irrlicht die Tangenten Kalkulieren lassen,
dann wird die Lightmap garnicht oder nur Fehlerhaft angezeigt
Wie kann man das Ändern??
Kann man nicht die NormalMap in einen Anderen TexturSlot legen??
Welcher MapEditor ist der Beste für Irrlicht ?? Benutze bisher DeleD CE.
You should be able to find some parallax shaders even on the forum, but more easily just anywhere on the internet. Since you already have the lightmaps properly attached, you can just use the lightmap base material and do everything in the shader.