why using so much compilcated code ?

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Post by Guest »

(other guest than the OP)
I just wanted to remark that I'm impressed with this community. The guy starting this thread asked a question so clueless it would have gotten him tarred and feathered on a lot of sites (say, GameDev.net), yet he got good, helpful responses from you people. Awesome!
Posts: 932
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:53 pm
Location: England

Post by Tyn »

We were all noobs once, some people forget that IMO.

Post by Guest »

Sure. Thanks again for the help. I hope I'll be able one day to do more than a single cube rotating :P

I know a little about java and C and total newbie to C++ (I only used basic class declaration, like porting java to c). I gave some try with SDL, but it's painfull since you have to do almost all things (3D maths :shock: ).

I'll give a try to Irrlicht once I'll understand how to use it (btw I'll go to right section to ask for, else I'll make OT inside OT ;)).
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