I noticed that XMLReader::run() behaves strangely. After hitting an opening node, calling run() will move the position of the reader to a node without a name, but it'll have the same attribute. Call it again, and it jumps to the next node in the XML file.
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#include "irrlicht.h"
using namespace irr;
int main()
io::IrrXMLReader *xml = io::createIrrXMLReader("test.xml");
for(unsigned short int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
printf("Node name: %s, Attribute value: %s\n", xml->getNodeName(), xml->getAttributeValue("name"));
Code: Select all
<first_node name="fred">
Code: Select all
Node name: first_node, Attribute value: fred
Node name:
, Attribute value: fred
Node name: second_node, Attribute value: (null)
Node name:
, Attribute value: (null)
Node name: second_node, Attribute value: (null)
Node name: first_node, Attribute value: (null)
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