I have a project which involves making a portfolio application of lots of images... the coding is done, the sounds are made and the pictures are taken...
Normally you would say that is all is needed for a portfolio application but unfortunately that is not true...my design has always been very very badly so i am asking you members to help me with my portfolio design...i made an outline of the design here :
What kind of portfolio do yo want to make? A good way would be to look on web sites (portfolio sites) and look how others are making their portfolio. You would surely pick some good ideas there to design your own.
Try to put that on paper first, and once you found a design, don't stop there, try to make 4-5, check them again and pick the best stuff to make others design. After that you should have something that you would like and would work. For moving GUI, you could use Flash to prototype the feature and test the "look & feel".