I hate SP2!!!

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I hate SP2!!!

Post by monkeysarefun »


I recently installed XP SP2 hoping for the wonders everyones been speaking of, and BAM! my wireless adaptar's drivers conflict with SP2. so i go and get new drivers made for SP2, and they wont install because they say i have the wrong version of windows.......icccchhhhh.....besides that...SP2 makes my windows loading time like eight million times slower.....I think maybe i should just redo the whole PC and see if it helps....well SP2 is uninstalled for now, maybe ill use it when i feel like redoing the entire pc.
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Post by xhrit »

hmmm. my slackware 10 works just fine without sp2.

Core2Duo E8400 3.0ghz - 2048mb DDR2 800 - geForce 9600 - Slackware12.1

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Post by bal »

I (can) only install SP1 for some reasons :twisted:.
And I don't really care, Linux will be installed soon and my goal is to use my WinXP only for gaming purposes...
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Post by afecelis »

well, I'm about to do the same. I just completed my 10th day without windoze at home :D :D I mounted Gentoo and it's simply amazing, no more crashes, no more security worries, opengl is damn fast (u wouldn't believe how Quake3 and UT2003 run compared to windoze!!).

So that's why I've been a bit away, learning how to put up an optimized system in linux, and I think I pretty much have it ready!!! The only thing is the lack of 3dsmax, but I think I'll go deeper with blender (which btw runs like 10 times faster than in windows too). Oh, and I'm trying to figure out how to use the Irrlicht engine with anjuta or kde, so probably my next set of tuts will have to do with linux!!! :D

check my desk:
http://www.theshower.nl/cgi-bin/genesis ... ydesk7.jpg

cheers from the linux side of the force
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Post by coder2000 »

If there was a reliable and free way to run 99% of the pc games available I would switch 500% to linux but until then I will have to do with running it in vmware.

Post by Guest »

DAMN!! i just removed linux 3 days ago :? and now you all have it :) man, i cannot program c++ if this anjuta doesnt work, thats why i switched back to windows.

if someone could tell me how to get irrlicht to run under linux, ill switch immediately, and thats a promise !!! :)
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Post by Masdus »

Service pack 2 is a disaster if you like games. Once i installed it all my games would cause a reset after about 15 minutes of play. Uninstalled it and everything worked fine again
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Post by Jedive »

GFXstyLER: Use Eclipse and the CDT plugin. Way better than Anjuta, KDEvelop, and the other options I know

Post by Guest »

I agree: Gentoo rocks !!! But I'm still waiting for Wine to support more games - DX9 in progress 8) (or the reverse: developpers supporting more linux :p). Currently I use Windoz' only for Offeeces 2k and Morrowind :p.
My regret is that (due to readings in other topics) Irrlicht seems to run faster under DX9 (up to 250% with NX and vertex buffers) than under OpenGL.
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Post by Masdus »

yup its true that the windows implementation of Irrlicht is currently superior to the Linux port, and that OpenGL does not perform as well as DirectX. This is changing a Niko uses Linux more. You also might want to look at IrrlichtNX ++ which has implement OpenGL vertex buffers (i think)
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Post by dingo »

coder2000 wrote:If there was a reliable and free way to run 99% of the pc games available I would switch 500% to linux but until then I will have to do with running it in vmware.
Transgaming costs $5 a month to get their updates and they support most (all?) big name games within weeks of release. They make an addon for Wine that suports Directx calls by translating to OGL calls, or something similar.

I currently play, Doom3, UT2k4+Mods, RCTW:ET on linux natively.

As for losing 3DMax, Blender 2.35 is pretty good for game modelling IMO and don't forget Maya 4.5 runs on Linux natively.

I agree that OGL runs a lot better on Linux

Oh and for "Offeces 2000", www.OpenOffice.org can handle Office documents - check it out
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Post by nutterx »

i have been running SP2 on numerous machines and never had a problem with anything ...boot up is faster ..only thing i don't like is the new security center but that ain't too hard to disable.

I have considered using linux only but i ain't a big linux fan ...i do like Open and Freebsd but for servers only, i dislike all *nix's for desktops but that's just my personal preference :wink:
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Post by coder2000 »

dingo wrote:
coder2000 wrote:If there was a reliable and free way to run 99% of the pc games available I would switch 500% to linux but until then I will have to do with running it in vmware.
Transgaming costs $5 a month to get their updates and they support most (all?) big name games within weeks of release. They make an addon for Wine that suports Directx calls by translating to OGL calls, or something similar.
WineX (or Cedega as its now called) is cool I just don't know if I want to pay for it.
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Post by Electron »

After installing SP2 my Internet Explorer will no longer correctly display XML formatted documents which do not have a .xml file extension :cry:
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.

Crucible of Stars

Post by Guest »

u must get firefox....jedi mind trick....must get firefox
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